Something that came up in my thread, "Classical Music, the Perpetual Foreigner Trope, and Colonialism," and that has come up in numerous other discussions--especially those around the "Classical Music Crisis".

Caveat 1 - I'm going to focus on Performers & Performing Organizations (hereafter POs) here.* This includes Legacy Institutions (e.g. big budget Symphonies); amateur groups; & student orgs.
*see my Sampling Bias in discussions about Classical Music:…
Caveat 2 - I'm going to inform this thread w/ Prototype Theory.* Everyone centers some POs in definitions of #ClassicalMusic while decentering others. Rarely does anyone refer to ALL relevant POs.
*e.g. - see my Prototype Theory & Musical Polyphony:…
*see my Decolonizing the Musical Mind:…

Last note: since I'm focusing on POs, I'll be using videos [mostely] to prompt the questions. I'm not necessarily going to give my answers--that's changed evolved over the years.* Let's get started
*cf. one of my posts from 2014…
Sun Huang and Hsinchu Youth Orchestra - Carmen Fantasy
Sun Huang and Hsinchu Youth Orchestra - Butterfly Lovers' Erhu Concerto
*see my "Choral Music: the “forgotten” Classical Music"…
* see my…