Since March 2015
2695 hours
1.8 hrs/day average
3-ish products
~2800 sales
$139,208 revenue post fees
$81,767 expenses
$21/hour 🤔
This must be why most people share only the revenue numbers #open
Well for starters it's still better than a coding job back home. My first job building websites was for $7/hour.
That was in high school.
That got me to about $70,000/year. It was great. Lived like a king.
But I soon realized that selling your time doesn't scale. There's only so much time you can sell.
Even with productized consulting, you're still doing the work. You have to sit down and do the things. Your only way to scale is charging more.
Imagine taking a vacation when a day of your time is worth $5000. Or $10,000.
Pretty hard right?
Products provide value when you aren't working.
And that's when everything changes.
My value to society is no longer bound to time I spend working.
First you operate at a loss. You're putting in the work and nothing happens.
Also known as the SaaS ramp of death.…
Everything compounds.
That's the beauty of it. That's what makes the initial pain worth it.