• the Dossier was shit
• Schiff is shit
• Kyle Griffin buttoning his shirt like a damn Nazi is shit
... and so was the ‘hack’ narrative. This is a new/short thread on how I know you people are ALL #FullOfSchiff
RE: esquire.com/news-politics/…

“Fancy Fancy”
“Double Fancy Fancy!”
Note: The discussion is in regard to her leaving a meeting at the White House... and riding to DOJ in Sally Yates car!
Reminder: This is the day BEFORE Alperovitch says he found out about the DNC hack!
Apparently, before it had it’s NAME!
So I’ll leave you my girl Iggy!
PS: Kyle... either put a damn tie on or undue that top button - you look like a ‘White Nationalist’!🖕🏻