a short thread...
"The Plain Dealer had a unionized staff of 340 journalists two decades ago. That soon will be reduced to 33."
There are some green shoots - nonprofit/membership model among them - but local news is hemorrhaging generations of talent and what's replacing it is nothing
Tho short term gain devoid of long term strategy is unsustainable.
This though, the business model fight, is existential.
Wherever the line is, and J-school ethicists can debate that, underlying business model to me is 100% fair game.
Press freedom groups largely haven't joined this fight. Most are focused on other things. That needs to change, urgently.
I was really proud of the @NPCInstitute for recognizing this and honoring a former Denver Post editor for speaking out when his paper was being gutted. He was awarded the NPC's highest press freedom award, b/c business model is press freedom.