Libertarian Peter Thiel said, "I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible.”…
(h/t @JemezStargazer for the quotation)
Does individual liberty mean I can build a factory and dump toxins into the air and water?
Can I trade stocks on inside information?
Can I sell my luxury condos to Russian oligarchs and hide the source of the money?
I suggest that libertarians don’t mind Trump’s law breaking because he’s breaking the laws they don’t think should exist.
They love property rights — but who decides who owns what?
Like, who gets to own all the redwoods?
Let’s say 20 libertarians move to an island and set up a Libertarian Utopia. How do they decide who owns what? Do they divide the island into 20 parts?
What if I end up owning the only source of fresh water?
The Libertarian Party platform contains this sentence👇 Two other major libertarian websites have similar sentences.
I emailed all three sites and asked, “Which federal programs and services are required under the Constitution?” (I asked nicely)
Nobody responded 🤷♀️
So by libertarian logic, we shouldn't have any.
Here’s what they overlook: The Constitution grants the federal government power to create laws that provide for “the common welfare.”
And about those taxes libertarians don’t like: Industry can’t function without infrastructure like highways. Who is going to pay for it?
It seems to me that privatize=whoever grabs first gets
Boaz, like most libertarians, loves quoting Thomas Jefferson.
When Jefferson said beautiful things about liberty, he didn’t mean for everyone. He meant white men.
Hamilton was anti-slavery and in favor of a strong central government.
Jefferson thought individual liberty meant the freedom to own slaves.
When the Supreme Court declared segregation unconstitutional in 1954, libertarians denounced the decision as federal overreach.
They also oppose affirmative action.
Libertarians are in favor of individual liberty, which to them means the government can’t tell them who to hire, or who they have to let into their restaurants.
🤔Maybe because of coverture laws (h/t @jg_environ) and hundreds of years of a few white men grabbing everything?……
They also like to talk about “creative destruction,” whereby innovation replaces outdated products or processes and essentially destroys them.
Large numbers of people would lose everything and fall into poverty. If major industries fail, the people who suffer could number in the millions.
This brings us to one of many problems with libertarianism:
A colleague once told me that he resented the fact that his tax dollars paid for legal representation for the poor.
I immediately imagined what it would be like if (once more) only the wealthy could afford lawyers.
Libertarians, like other Trump supporters, view the American government as illegitimate.
That's why they love it when Trump attacks free press, dismantles regulatory agencies, attacks rule of law—and even lies and cheats.
The lies are destructive. Destroy it all!
They think a libertarian utopia will rise from the ashes.…
Entire industries would be thrown into bedlam. There’d be widespread suffering and pain.
Democracy can't exist if the income inequality is too extreme.
If that happens we have oligarchy. The way to get there is destroy every government program.… …
Senator McCain even accused Sen. Paul of working for Putin:…
Putin destroys, so the libertarians will stand by and watch.
People need to stop thinking of all Trump’s supporters as uneducated & gullible.
Put another way, libertarians are the “sado” part of “sadopopulism” 👇
Fortunately, libertarians are a minority. They know if enough people vote, they're doomed.
If we get organized and stay focused, we can out vote them.
But don’t expect libertarians to care about Trump’s lying & destructive lawbreaking.
Your outrage probably just amuses them.
I did read many of them. While often contradictory . . .
(1) We don’t need government because we don’t have to worry about the principle that “whoever grabs first gets" because . . .
(2) When I pointed out that the libertarian accounts of America’s origins and founding values are one-sided, and overlook the fact that when Jefferson talked about . . .
(3) Many libertarians responders said I'm wrong: Libertarians don't like or support Trump. 🤔 Very odd. I was under the distinct impression that people like the Koch brothers and . . .
(4) My main accusation, that libertarian ideals and democracy are Incompatible was generally met with this response:
Well you see, the reason we have rule of law is to constrain the majority and protect minority populations. John Adams recognized the danger of a tyranny of the majority.
(5) The libertarians agree that I am stupid. To quote one, I am a "raving lunatic."
Those of us who want to save democracy need to understand the people trying to undermine and destroy it.