I was ten. She was a systems analyst. COBOL. Assembler. Terminal in the room she kept off limits when I was a toddler. She documented processes entire teams relied on.
But she was never the same after that.
I just remember my mother sobbing.
“Don’t get into programming, Rachel. You wouldn’t like it.”
We need all hands on deck. Every mind operating at its maximum capacity.
We have left them behind. We have LOST them. They are MISSING.
There is a great shame and deeper horror in that.
We have left SO MUCH on the table.
We are missing SO MANY of our greatest minds.
And some people have the nerve to put on airs about who’s deemed “worthy.”
Get with the program.
My mother never wrote another line of code.
Her lifetime contribution to the sum of humanity’s computing was cut in half when she quit.
Her daughter’s contributions were similarly cut in half due to her late start.
The isms of this world have cumulative effects.