1) Theory
2) Strategy
3) Tactics
4) Execution
It looks like this. I'm strong here, my enemy weak there, I theorize (guess) that attacking where I think he's weak will succeed. My strategy is...and we go from there.
1) Simple Parts
2) Proper Sequence
Reduce complexity. Create simple lists of simple parts and try to order them in a sequence that makes some sense.

1) Green
2) Red
3) Yellow
4) White
5) Black
Which equals:
1) Wood
2) Fire
3) Earth
4) Metal
5) Water
Don't ask me why, read the wiki article. It'll make sense at least while you're reading it!
Wood feeds fire, which turns into ash/earth, which is where we find metal (deep beneath the ground), on which water/droplets gather (from warm air on cold steel), and water is what grows trees/wood.
Fire liquefies and refines metal; metal cuts wood; wood plows earth; earth drains water, drawing it down from the surface; water slakes fire.
It's a deep, profound meditation to follow the theory captured into the cycle. You'll be amazed at the hidden truths.
1) Rock
2) Paper
3) Scissors
Do you see? There is an ancient power of theory hidden inside such a simple list, a little game we play with our fingers.
96 verses completed, 326 to go. And also, be sure to purchase John Minford's translation, here:
2. Rule Of Law
3. American Jobs
4. Quality Of Life For Every American
5. Heal Our Cities
6. Build The Wall
7. Make America Wealthy Again
8. Make America Strong Again
9. Make America Safe Again
10. Make America Great Again