Local Hazard Mitigation Plan and incorporating it into the Safety Element of the County General Plan via Consent Calendar rather than a more public discussion; 9 Proclamations and 2 Retirement Plaques;
Shantay R. Davies-Balch (Public Interest) to Behavioral Health Board
Sarah Sharpe Expired Term (Environmental Rep.)
of Service in Felony Sexual Assault Team. Worked hard

31. Brandau needs to recuse himself due to City Council work with this. Approved with no
● The County plans to amend the General Plan without going through the General Plan amendment process.
● Incorporating the LHMP into the General Plan Policy Document will
● Whether the LHMP is updated as a stand-alone document or whether it is made a part of the General Plan, the County has not taken the steps needed to determine whether adoption of the LHMP is exempt from CEQA& if it is not, whether the update
● The County failed to inform county residents that the LHMP contains a new climate adaptation component.
● Your Board cannot authorize the Director of Emergency Services
25. Adjourn in memory of Joel Hinojosa by
Supervisor Quintero
26. Fresno Regional Workforce Development Board Outstanding Achievement Award to
Paul Dictos, CPA, Assessor-Recorder. Dictos Welcomes Brandau to
14. List of road and bridges projects using $17 million. Magsig says Fresno County has most miles of road
17. Radley Reep asks for direction from planning staff. He doesn’t get replies