Feeling inspired by amazing tweetorials from @david_furfaro @DxRxEdu @AmitGoyalMD @JohnsHopkinsDOM, I thought I might take a stab at my own first ever tweetorial!!!!! #traineetutorial
presented with subacute progressive dyspnea and
lower extremity edema. 2/
deviation, R>S in V1, S1Q3T3 and precordial T wave
inversions. What diagnosis is the S1Q3T3 ECG pattern frequently associated with (although we rarely ever see it in real life)? Next study? 5/
mmHg and elevated pulmonary vascular resistance (10.7 Wood units), thus confirming the diagnosis of precapillary PHTN. 9/
furosemide, warfarin and oxygen. He was referred to a
CTEPH center for evaluation and management. 12/
and right heart impairment. Early diagnosis and treatment is key as CTEPH/group 4 PHTN may be CURABLE, unlike other causes of PHTN. Fin/