But right now I have some questions for the abhorrent
@GOP and I cannot keep them to myself...
So I am asking. Please read and answer. I want to know.
Okay. You got your reprehensible bill passed?
Now what?
Help me to understand…
How will you enforce this disgusting oppressive personal liberty heist?
Explain it to me…the actual regulation of the thing.
Or are you more sophisticated than all that?
The idea that you will have a state-mandated uterine reporting device seems too far advanced for a law that a caveman with a club would write…
Explain it to me.
Explain it to me.
How will they handle arresting a grieving woman who has tried so many times to have a child and yet again had to choose between carrying a dead baby to term and complying with the Law or going to jail for one hundred years?
I gather you do not see women as people.
That much is clear.
You do not see us at all.
But we see you and we will come for your seats. For your power and for our rights.