#india #ott #netflixandchill


● An average Indian user spends 6.2 hours daily consuming content online
● Social Media and entertainment (music & video) are the two activities that Indians spend most of their time on
● Spending per month on digital media content is expected to grow 2.5 times by 2020
● Similar trends are expected for time spent consuming digital media services.
Source: Deloitte Digital OD
● India’s TV industry grew 12% in 2018 from ₹660 billion to ₹740 billion
● India’s movie industry grew 12.2% in
2018 to touch ₹174.5 billion.
● Strong digital media content growth led to video subscription revenue to triple
in 2018 peaking at ₹13.4 billion.
Brilliant resource and numbers here: afaqs.com/all/news/image…
● Though advertising revenue represents a large chunk of overall OTT revenues, spending per month on digital media is expected to grow by 2.5
times by 2020
lead the increased customer subscriptions.
well to increase the paid subscriber count in India.
And with Netflix pivoting towards Asia and India in particular, the larger market should be addressed if sustained growth figures are to be maintained.
Leverage the hugely popular activity of binge-watching by offering subscribers the opportunity to purchase a 24 hour binge pass which grants access to a particular tv show/ set of tv shows for exactly 24 hours.
- Content bundles offered to subscribers to limit the access to a curated set of content.
- Mobile phone only subscription of reduced video quality and stream rate offered at a lower subscription price. (already in talks)
Well, these strategies work well with onboarding customers interested in regional content or genre-specific content. And India, as you would have already discovered is not a one-for-all market
- Netflix subscriptions can be marketed by positioning the quality of a Netflix subscription in comparison to the cost of alternate entertainment options that offer similar service (movie ticket costs, TV series subscriptions and NOT other OTTs).