"Just spoke to Belmarsh Prison 0208 331 4400 and was told the following:
1. You can send Mr Julian #Assange a money order of up to £250.00, out of which he will be allowed £15.50 a week for in prison purchases and this: phone calls...
3. Mail the money order in an envelope addressed to: Mr Julian Assange DOB 03/07/1971 HMP Belmarsh Western Way London SE28 0EB
4. You must write on the money order your name and address, most important!
5. If you wish to send him books or items of clothing (no logos allowed) one can post them/have them delivered in the first 28 days after his conviction.
6. He is not allowed stamps to be sent. You can write to him in the prescribed manner including a stamped self-addressed envelope for your own personal reply, but your name and address on the reply envelope must be in ink...
7. The prison receptionists I spoke to were most helpful and pleasant. They said to please phone for any further information.
8. All letters to him are read before he receives them. The best way to write to him and send him a letter and card to cheer him up is to send it in an unsealed envelope...
9. Online Payment: One cannot send any money to Julian Assange online unless one has his prison number for the prison service’s
Please copy and paste the above to other YouTube videos whose subject is Julian Assange as he needs our support."
Let's make sure there is a deluge of books for Julian to read, and enough money for him to make phonecalls in his commissary!
#Unity4J #Assange #HMPBelmarsh #ProtectJulian #FreeAssange
But on the other hand, how bad would it be if 3 tonnes of books turned up on Belmarsh Prison's doorstep to show how much support he has?