#WeAreAllJulianAssange #WeStandWithJulianAssange #FreeAssange #Assange #ProtectJulian #AssangeHERO #Injustice #HumanRights #freeSpeak #Liberty #Killers #WarCrimes #Liars #Democracy #TrueJournalists #Hipocrisy
Ron Paul: “As long as #JulianAssange is in prison, we are all in prison. When the government has the power to tell us what we are allowed to see, hear, and know, we no longer live in a free society.” #Wikileaks #ProtectJulian @DefendAssange
🇬🇧—before extraditing #Assange, look hard at charges and conditions of detention.🇺🇸has a troubling record on whistleblower prosecutions & solitary confinement. This could become an awful precedent for investigative journalists worldwide. hrw.org/news/2019/04/1…
SCOOP: The @metpoliceuk shared info about #WikiLeaks journalists with #US prosecutors for at least four years as the US @TheJusticeDept conducted secret investigations into the #whistleblowing website and its founder Julian #Assange.
ASSANGE-LIVE:Vi sender @aflyttet direkte kl. 1505 til 1600 om Julian Assange -i studiet er @peterkofod @FrejaWedenborg og @jenschm Og så har vi telefonrapporter igennem fra London og fra Island.Skriv gerne spørgsmål her - så prøver vi at svare
ANNOUNCE:Write to imprisoned @wikileaks publisher Julian Assange. Join our mass letter writing campaign. Let's flood Belmarsh Prison with messages of support!
Mr. Julian Assange
DOB: 3/07/1971 HMP Belmarsh
Western Way
London SE28 0EB

YUGE Trump Lawyer to Wikileaks:Assange: Make A Deal
@FortRussNews fort-russ.com/2019/04/yuge-t…
Assange,now banged up,but still displaying a fighting spirit.“Perhaps you could waive objection to extradition,& get on with your life,” the judge said, which received a sarcastic two-handed thumbs-up.
Great write up of court appearance: crikey.com.au/2019/04/12/run…
The Prosecution Of Julian Assange Is A Threat To Journalists Everywhere therealnews.com/the-prosecutio…
This 'Pastelink' list (I believe created by #WikiLeaks) is long and covers most of the smears:
Here's a sample:

Yep. And here is the official version that came out a bit later (4 Mar 2019):
"🇪🇨has been making some pretty outrageous allegations over the past few days to justify what was an unlawful & extraordinary act in allowin🇬🇧police to come inside an embassy" - @suigenerisjen on Ecuador spreading lies about Julian Assange washingtonpost.com/world/europe/a…
Ecuador negotiated handover of Assange with US ambassador to Germany, according to ABC
Sell Out: How Corruption, Voter Fraud and a Neoliberal Turn Led Ecuador's Lenin to Give Up Assange | The Grayzone thegrayzone.com/2019/04/14/len…
Day 40 (April 16, 2019) - @xychelsea is still in jail. She has filed an Appeal & a Bail Motion with the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals.🏛️
To write her: aaronswartzday.org/chelsea-latest…💌
To donate to her legal fund: actionnetwork.org/fundraising/ch…

The Zionists want to punish #Assange for exposing the deep state diabolical murderous plans in🇸🇾
Hillary Clinton armed ISIS & other terrorists in🇸🇾for destabilising genociding of 500000🇸🇾& toppling Assad - revealed in 1700 Hillary Emails
Sean Hannity says "Julian Assange has exposed how Corrupt Dishonest & Phoney the🇺🇸Govt is & its good that we know that."
#JulianAssange #FreeAssange #GodBlessAssange #GreatestHero #SeanHannity #ProtectJulian #NoExtradition4Assange
Ecuadorian Embassy LIVE ♦Assange to be expelled within ‘hours to days’
The Zionists want to punish Julian Assange for exposing the deep state diabolical murderous plans in #Syria
#ProtectAssange #JulianAssange
They want to shut down Julian Assange so the world never gets to know what US really did in #Syria
Hillary Clinton Emails 1700
#JulianAssange #ProtectAssange #FreeAssange

They want to shut down Julian Assange so the world never gets to know what US really did in #Syria
Hillary Clinton Emails 1700
#JulianAssange #ProtectAssange #FreeAssange

They want to shut down Julian Assange so the world never gets to know what US really did in #Syria
Hillary Clinton Emails 1700
#JulianAssange #ProtectAssange #FreeAssange

They want to shut down Julian Assange so the world never gets to know what US really did in #Syria
Hillary Clinton Emails 1700
#JulianAssange #ProtectAssange #FreeAssange

They want to shut down Julian Assange so the world never gets to know what US really did in #Syria
Hillary Clinton Emails 1700
#JulianAssange #ProtectAssange #FreeAssange

This is what shook the deep state cabal
#JulianAssange Julian Assange #ProtectAssange #ProtectJulian #HandsOffAssange
There is something very odd about the Joseph Mifsud story & the role of the🇬🇧in the 2016🇺🇸presidential election: UK MI6 officer Christopher Steele compiled the "Steel Dossier"
Julian Assange #ProtectAssange #ProtectJulian #HandsOffAssange
The shadow government is absolutely scared of what +damaging information #Assange could reveal to the🌍
Hillary Clinton armed ISIS & other terrorists in🇸🇾for destabilising & genociding 500000🇸🇾& toppling Assad-revealed in 1700 Hillary Emails
Chelsea Manning was re-imprisoned earlier this year for refusing to testify against Julian Assange.
“Shame on you Lenín Moreno. Shame on you JaimE Marchand. You have blood on your hands. You sold Ecuador for money. Like you sold Julian Assange” - outside #EcuadorianEmbassy London
“What a waste of money! What a waste of money” being sung to the police outside #EcuadorEmbassyLondon
2 of the 3 recipients of the #DaphneCaruanaGalizia Award,#Assange & #RuiPinto,are in PRISON. #Assange has been arbitrarily detained since 2010,according to the UN. @yasminemotarjem has experienced serious problems, attacks,lawfare (Italian) repubblica.it/esteri/2019/04…
#AssangeSupporters in London send Congratulations to #JulianAssange on winning the GUE/NGL award today #FreeAssange
“Give the man his truly earned freedom”.
Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Prize winner,accepts the Daphne Galizia award in the European Parliament on behalf of imprisoned Julian Assange.The award is for Journalists,Whistleblowers & Defenders of the Right to Information.

#Assange honoured with the #DaphneCaruanaGalizia award by @GUENGL in @Europarl_EN today,with touchingWords from @mcaruanagalizia about his remarkable late mother.The award accepted on behalf of Julian by @NobelPrize LaureatMairead Maguire
Assange exposed atrocities committed by the🇺🇸in🇮🇶.But while he faces the threat of extradition,the individuals who committed those WarCrimes have never been tried.Tonight in #Eplenary @SteliosKoul will stand up for #JulianAsssange &all those who defend the #right2info

The moment when @GUENGL MEP @SteliosKoul announces that #Assange is one of the #whistleblowers award winners #Assangearrest #syrizaep #DaphneCaruanaGalizia @RuiPinto_FL @yasminemotarjem @wikileaks #wikileaks #Nestlé #FreeAssange 👌
@SueletteD to speak next: facebook.com/guengl/videos/…
Recent interview with Suelette: Defend Assange to Save Journalism openthemagazine.com/article/world/…
Video of the 2019 GUE/NGL Award for Journalists, Whistleblowers and Defenders of the Right to Information, given to Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, Nestlé whistleblower Yasmine Motarjemi and Football Leaks’ Rui Pinto, here: defend.wikileaks.org/2019/04/16/jul…
Jimmy Dore on fire as he shows that the US elites who are now calling for Assange's head were the very same elites exposed over the past decade by Wikileaks as psychopathic war criminals. Might there be a connection?!
EU parliament passes Whistleblower Protection Directive.
Very proud to see this.
However, at this moment+whistleblowers than ever are in jail.
It is time to act, @EuroParlPress.
Put your words into action or be silent.
#FreeChelseaManning #FreeJulianAssange

Justice Department ready to add espionage to the list of charges against @Wikileaks and #JulianAssange shadowproof.com/2019/04/11/jus… … … They spent 10 years investigating a journalist. Angry about it? Donate to #WikiLeaks defence defend.wikileaks.org/donate/

If you would like to write a few words of support or encouragement to Julian Assange to let him know that he isn’t alone,here is the address:
Mr. Julian Assange
DOB: 3/07/1971 HMP Belmarsh
Western Way
London SE28 0EB
#ProtectJulian #FreeAssange

#UnitedKingdom | German and Spanish lawmakers protested against #JulianAssange's detention, gathering outside a #London prison to urge #Britain and the #EuropeanUnion to prevent his extradition to the #UnitedStates.
#Ecuador’s govt issued a statement showing letters from 🇬🇧 officials addressed to President #LeninMoreno, assuring that @Wikileaks founder #JulianAssange would not be extradited to a country where he could face the death penalty.
#Venezuela | At least 13,810 people have been repatriated under the #PlanVueltaALaPatria.
#Ecuador | Parents of the software developer and advocate of digital rights #OlaBini said they were "asking the authorities to stop with the accusations." #JulianAssange
In Quito,🇪🇨where people are gathering by the thousands. They’re expressing total indignation over the government's IMF deal, the handling of Julian Assange, the imprisonments of former VP Jorge Glas, and corruption allegations. #INApapers
March in Quito against the government of Lenin Moreno, his austerity policies and the arrest of Julian Assange @telesurenglish

@DefendAssange @Unity4J #ProtectAssange #FreeAssange #WeareAllAssange #JulianAssange @wikileaks
Protests in Quito against the government of Lenin Moreno @telesurenglish

@DefendAssange @Unity4J #ProtectAssange #FreeAssange #WeareAllAssange #JulianAssange @wikileaks
Assange and Lula spoke truth to power, and have paid with their freedom for doing so.

@DefendAssange @Unity4J #ProtectAssange #FreeAssange #WeareAllAssange #JulianAssange @wikileaks
Thousands of Ecuadorians have taken to the streets to protests against Lenin Moreno's policies. Social movements are expressing indignation at the gov't decision to hand over #JulianAssange co-founder of @wikileaks to UK police.
It’s now dark now in Ecuador's capital, though demonstrators haven't let up. The anonymous masks are a gesture related to unveiling corruption, information transparency and press freedom.
#ProtectAssange #FreeAssange @Unity4J #Assange
The Sydney Morning Herald: Julian Assange wins EU journalism award established in honour of an assassinated journalist.
amp.smh.com.au/world/europe/j… …?

"This country has been loyal to a process; not a person. A revolutionary process which saw results over a period of 10 years." Referring to the Citizens' Revolution — which abruptly ended when Correa left office, according to demonstrators.

#FreeASSANGE ~ "Despite facing constant skepticism from mainstream media & government officials, whistleblower website #WikiLeaks has managed to maintain a record of 100 percent accuracy over its 12-year history-& has never lost a lawsuit." rt.com/news/456740-wi…
Live now: EU Parliament debate on the extradition of Julian Assange.
"I would tell @theresa_may to RESIGN! I say before you resign think carefully about handing #Assange over to the🇺🇸...She is beyond redemption!" 🔥
@rogerwaters discusses the arrest & possible extradition of #Assange
By denying that Assange is a journalist, establishment media are not placating the power elite with a sacrificial victim. They're giving it permission to destroy journalism as a tool for holding power to account medium.com/@caityjohnston…
Caitlin Johnstone: 'No one will care about your feelings regarding who is a real journalist or not when the long arm of the US empire reaches out across the planet & nabs the next guy for exposing inconvenient truths about the US military-industrial complex.'
The world's five deadliest countries for journalists include three — India, Mexico &, for the first time, the US — where journalists were killed in cold blood, even though those countries weren't at war or in conflict, the group said.
Is Julian Assange not a journalist? Is WikiLeaks not a media organization? If so it is amazing how many journalism awards have been given to a non-journalist and a non-media organisation.
Please donate: shop.wikileaks.org/donate

Unanimous decision by the Journalism Faculty at La Plata University of Argentina awards Assange honorary degree (doctor honoris causa), following his arrest for extradition to the US for practicing journalism. perio.unlp.edu.ar/node/8037
Julian Assange wins EU journalism award | Sydney Morning Herald
smh.com.au/world/europe/j… … #auspol
If Your Country Were Committing War Crimes Would You Want to Know? consortiumnews.com/2019/04/16/if-…
Ecuador's sell-out President Lenín Moreno sacrificed Assange to help distract from a corruption scandal at home, while embracing neoliberal economic reforms, implementing a massive IMF loan package, and totally embracing US imperialism
The indictment against Julian Assange seeks to criminalize what journalists are not only permitted, but ethically required, to do: take steps to help their sources maintain their anonymity, write @ggreenwald and @micahflee. interc.pt/2KIotdS
#Anonymous #OpEcuador #OpAssange #OpUK #OpUS
Greetings World, we are #Anonymous.We report that we have filtered+20 emails from🇺🇸&+100 from🇬🇧for the protest of #Assange.We warn that our attacks would be bigger & bigger,we want the freedom of Assange! #FreeAssange

@aaronjmate on how prosecuting Julian Assange criminalizes investigative journalism and helps the powerful
‼️This is a must read thread ‼️⬇️
Why every human being with a soul & a feeling for what is right & what is wrong has to stand up for #JulianAssange & why the criminals want to gag & jail him for life or worse!
#JulianAssange has been awarded the 2019 European United Left-Nordic Green Left Award for #Journalists, Whistleblowers and Defenders of the Right to Information.
#FreeAssange #WikiLeaks
Did @Lenin judas Moreno also tell you he took an IMF bribe ? checkpointasia.net/imf-deal-for-e…
The language is a bit "ripe" but it expresses what a lot of people think.
Julian #Assange and the United Bitches of #America - thank you
Notice how the Guardian is now the go-to place for vassal state politicians –🇪🇨's Moreno,🇻🇪's Guaido – to convey propaganda on behalf of the🇺🇸national security state. And the Guardian has the gall to call such stenography an 'exclusive' dumptheguardian.com/media/2019/apr…
Demonstrators denounce the arrest of #JulianAssange outside Belmarsh prison.
My latest for @TheCanaryUK
Major Tulsi Gabbard says Assange's arrest is designed to send a 'dangerous' message to the press
By @MElmaazi
#Assange #Assangearrest
Here's a reminder of what Wikileaks revealed about New Labour alone:
my latest:
Assange’s ‘Conspiracy’ to Expose War Crimes Has Already Been Punished
European MEPs outside belmarsh prison rallying for Julian Assange . Thank you ladies !
"Truth & Courage that are incarcerated behind the bars that #Assange sits within" @georgegalloway speaks at HMP #Belmarsh on Sunday. The courageous ones turned up to show solidarity with @wikileaks founder
Here’s the full @N2Sreports video of @Hostage_Notes being arrested for throwing @CassandraRules’s poster at Ecuador’s President as he left an event in DC.
As usual, all video available for licensing. #WikiLeaks #JulianAssange
Masiva marcha en contra del Gobierno de Moreno se vivió en Quito – Confirmado.net confirmado.net/2019/04/16/mas…
Agradecemos a lxs cerca de 20 mil compañerxs de todo el país que participaron en la Movilización Nacional #16ANiUnDerechoMenos Cada día somos más y le decimos #NoAlMalGobierno. Al unísono le decimos #BastaDePerseguirMoreno

Huge protests in #Ecuador today from Correa supporters, #Assange supporters, and others demanding corrupt President @Lenin Moreno resign. I made a thread:
Ecuador se lanza a las calles... Más de 20.000 ecuatorianos protestando e Quito... #BastaDeBestias #MorenoEsCorrupcion #MorenoEsINA #LibertadParaJorgeGlas
A judge in #Ecuador is now preparing to indict former VP @RicardoPatinoEC who was pursued a few nights ago by unknown men in a car. Dangerous times for anyone who dares oppose the Dictator and Traitor @Lenin Moreno! #FreeASSANGE
Ecuador: movilización en Quito contra el gobierno de Lenín Moreno - NODAL nodal.am/2019/04/ecuado…
Moreno has firmado tu final... Cretino lo que llevas en tu sangre es odio y resentimiento social... Pero ya no tienes derecho moral HABLAR A NOMBRE DE ECUADOR sinvergüenza TRAIDOR TU FINAL HA LLEGADO
Day 41 (April 17, 2019) - @xychelsea is still in jail.
She has filed an Appeal & a Bail Motion with the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals. 🏛️
To write her: aaronswartzday.org/chelsea-latest… 💌
To donate to her legal fund: actionnetwork.org/fundraising/ch…

Miles de ciudadanos en #MarchaNacional de protesta contra el Gobierno del presidente @Lenin Moreno, ocupan las calles de #Quito, y se dirigen al Palacio de #Carondelet.
"Let's join forces to block #Assange’s extradition from any European country to the #US so that he can travel to Stockholm & give his accusers an opportunity to be heard" - @yanisvaroufakis, @DiEM_25 co-founder & @deineuropa MEP candidate
8 hhá 8 horas
#Équateur 🇪🇨 : des manifestations pro-Assange ont dégénéré en heurts avec la police
#JulianAssange #WikiLeaks
Direct 📺, articles 📰, vidéos 📹 : téléchargez l'appli RT :
⬇️ francais.rt.com/applications
Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka) and IYSSE rally in Colombo to defend @wikileaks Julian Assange and @xychelsea Chelsea Manning
#lka #ProtectJulian #NoExtradition @AssangeMrs @DefendAssange

Pueblo INDIGNATE es momento de recuperar la patria de un INEPTO que la está destruyendo... La REPRESIÓN es la manera de demostrar su INCAPACIDAD MENTAL... Basta CARAJO
El pueblo ha DESPERTADO...
A esta hora en la marcha, la policía disuade a los ciudadanos. #Ecuador #16ANiUnDerechoMenos
El pueblo indignado en las calles :
...y va a caer y va a caer el HP va a caer !!
Aquí estamos en las calles de #Quito en la defensa de nuestros derechos, en contra de la persecución y del entreguismo de @Lenin Moreno y también por la libertad de @JulianAssange_ y la reapertura de la señal de @pichinchauniver
No podrán tapar el Sol..
Abran la cuenta INA Investment de BalboaBankPanamá,y verán de dónde vino la plata y a dónde fue:lavado de dinero para darse una vida de reyes.
Moreno es un corrupto.Podrán sostenerlo un tiempo, pero terminará preso. facebook.com/31065444985635…
"Assange risked his life to uncover the dirty reality that our governments hide. His arrest is a violation of freedom of the press and of expression."
When mass murderer & torturer Pinochet was facing extradition in the🇬🇧he was treated like royalty in a plush spacious mansion;meanwhile Julian Assange,whose charges are exposing mass murder & torture,rots in a dank & rancid jail cell awaiting extradition in the🇬🇧

Excellent article by @ProfStuartRees with useful facts we should all know to counter misinformation eg Wikileaks #Assange put no lives at risk as docs revealed no names. Excellent new book about to be published by Prof Clinton Fernandes newmatilda.com/2019/04/16/the…
Pro-Assange protesters clash with cops in Ecuador, calling President Moreno ‘traitor’
A esto cómo van a titular los medios morenistas?Que fueron 4 gatos o serán tan responsables que digan:“Más de 20 mil ciudadanos (correistas) marcharon por el Centro Histórico de #Quito en la manifestación denominada #16ANiUnDerechoMenos?
Here you can find all the relevant information about why it's important to stop all attempts to extradite Assange to the USA.
¡Que feo debe ser, reprimir al pueblo para poder comer!
A golpes pretenden silenciar las miles de voces que hoy llenaron las calles del centro de Quito, encerrado, con miedo y sin apoyo popular, Moreno va a caer. #16ANiUnDerechoMenos

We,citizens of the🇬🇧appeal to the @EUParl_EN @EUparliament to STOP rogue nation,🇬🇧,from abusing the HumanRights of #Assange.We see his incarceration & persecution as OUR Incarceration&Persecution. Please do NOT allow the🇬🇧to destroy our rights!
WikiLeaks refutes President Moreno’s grotesque lies about Assange. They are a crude attempt to distract from Moreno’s own corruption scandals in Ecuador and the cowardly expulsion of our publisher into the reach of US authorities.
La Asociación Americana de Juristas"repudia el retiro de la protección diplomática,la anulación de su ciudadanía ecuatoriana,la entrega al RU y la detención de #Assange".
Califica de "lamentable" la acción del gobierno de Moreno y llama a la libertad de Julian.

BREAKING: Current President of #Ecuador, Lenin Moreno, says he will jail former President of Ecuador Rafael Correa @MashiRafael should he decide to return to his country. Moreno still pushing the espionage lies about Assange. CC:
#ChelseaManning was taken into custody on 3/8/2019 for resisting a Grand Jury in the EDVA.
Please donate to support her legal fund against the #WikiLeaks Grand Jury.

El periodista Julian Assange gana otro premio en Europa. El premio Galizia al periodismo fue aprobado hoy.
So pleased to see the famous🇬🇧sense of humour alive in these dark times - the🇬🇧govt championing its campaign to "defend media freedom" at the same time as imprisoning J.Assange, defying just about every media freedom body in the world. 😂
Pentagon Papers lawyer James Goodale: The indictment of Assange is a snare and a delusion -- "to divert attention from the basic fact that this indictment punishes the publication of truthful information" thehill.com/opinion/crimin…
“The jailing of Assange is an attack on the entire working class” US workers demand the release of #JulianAssange - World Socialist Web Site ow.ly/MWTS30osrzs #UPS #GM #Amazon
Who is the one who has spent millions on trolls? @lenin, stop lying and complaining as a spoiled little girl and open the account No. 100-4-1071378 of Balboa Bank of Panama of INA Investment!

Pueblo ecuatoriano unete la peticion para que no extraditen a Assange a eeuu donde sera torturado y encarcelado de por vida solo por ser periodista.
Free Julian Assange, before it's too late.STOP USA EXTRADITION - ¡Firma la petición! chng.it/Cx7xHnz9
#FreeAssange #FreeSpeech #WeAreAllJulianAssange #WeStandWithJulianAssange #ProtectJulian @DefendAssange @wikileaks

#FreeAssange #FreeSpeech #EndWar #FreeAssangeNOW #Assange
#WeAreAllJulianAssange #WeStandWithJulianAssange #ProtectJulian #AssangeHERO @DefendAssange @wikileaks

at @wikileaks to bring truth to the public." - Julian Assange-

#WeAreAllJulianAssange #WeStandWithJulianAssange #FreeAssange #Assange #ProtectJulian #AssangeHERO #Injustice #HumanRights #freeSpeak #Liberty #Killers #WarCrimes #Liars #Democracy #TrueJournalists #Hipocrisy