1. Is genuine+personal “I really enjoy Dr. X”
2. Explains WHY, with SPECIFICS “Because you endorsed XYZ, I want you to talk to Dr. X about options”
3. Promotes evidence “Research finds that therapy ⬇️ distress and ⬆️ fxn”
5. Addresses stigma “mental health deserves the same treatment as physical health”
6. Assesses motivation “how likely are you to f/u?” and “what can I do to increase that?
8. Validates “It makes senses that you are nervous”
9. Normalizes “Most people feel uncomfortable w/ mental health”
10. Educates “Depression often impacts sleep and appetite”
12. Fits with patient goals “Therapy can help you improve your relationships”
13. Continues the conversation “it’s important to talk about this”
14. Follows up at next contact “Were you able to meet with Dr.X”?