He was placed in foster care w/Bethany Christian Services in MI. They get $700+/child/night. They're associated w/ @BetsyDeVosED - of course
Look what even THEY say about trauma - which THEY can then charge more for 🤬🤮
🔗 snopes.com/news/2018/06/2…
This isn't who we are 😭 🤬

🔗 newsmaven.io/indiancountryt…
🔗 pri.org/stories/2018-0…
#TrumpConcentrationCamps #FamiliesBelongTogether

is a must-read 💔 #BorderCrisis
#FamiliesBelongTogether #TrumpConcentrationCamps
#DerangedDonald is responsible for the horror & subsequent #trauma these kids will *never* completely recover from 🤬
"The cruelty is the point," .@AdamSerwer
Recognize exactly how dangerous this is - the parallels are alarming!
#FamiliesBelongTogether #StopStealingMigrantChildren