1) There is a US$10bn IPO which launched yesterday and prices/closes in one week.
Big IPOs take money out of the system. Big and popular IPOs take a LOT of money out of the system.
HKMA wrote a decent paper on this 10yrs ago. Method is described within (p2 onward).
4) 1M is +29bp today b/c 2W is +61bp. Means the other 16-17 days of 1M are only up TINY.
6) 5mins of work (i.e. google HIBOR, talk to smart locals like @jackycwong and @sunchartist) serves one well.

There is plenty of time to be right about the politics. But using words like "lawlessness" and "panic" to describe a well-known phenomenon borne out by the arithmetic AND context does not serve one's followers well.
HK Mortgages basically come in two flavors.
1) HIBOR + spread
2) BankPrimeRate - spread
Thing is, many/most mortgages have a clause which caps HIBOR-plus mortgage payments at what it would be if it were BankPrime-minus.
And they're pretty close, so...