Proceed w caution and please do not spread misinformation.
based on data obtained by @ConMijente this is what we know how mass raids are conceive under Trump
*did not show up for a hearing
* lost their BIA appeal
* reentered after a prior order
BUT collateral arrests are expected & certain
this could be devastating to ppl w in absentia orders. TIME IS not on our side.
* ppl w conviction
* ppl w prior or pending DUIs
* ppl in gang database
* at time of arrest
*ppl w guns
*will be yelling ... 'U want to spent yrs in detention or go home today ' ...*No! sign here
* then officer wi be faxing 'stipulated removal order' to OPLA atty ...
* who will have an IJ on standby to sign.
This is just AWFUL.
* You have the Right to Remain Silent: USE It!
* You do not have to sign anything
* You do not have to let anyone in your house unless they have warrant signed by a JUDGE. Anything that has DHS or ICE on it WILL NOT DO!