He is also Amazon's CTO. #AWSsummit
To be clear, they're on the right side of the issue. #AWSsummit
"If you're asking that question from scratch, probably LightSail."
I'm not kidding. #AWSsummit
"Because after the crap we got for calling it AWSECS4K8S(EKS), we're using the new name every chance we get."
iPad frontend please. #AWSsummit
Credit where due: @awscloud lives the talk.
@awscloud: *begins naming database services after Disney princesses* #AWSsummit
I want someone to pitch him on Continuous Delivery for Food. #AWSsummit
Large commercial databases conspiciously absent.
It's true; I'd love to see it able to vacuum / shrink volumes. #awswishlist #AWSsummit
"Well for starters they don't pay for cross-AZ data transfer for replication that way..."
Now @werner returns to the stage to talk about something terrible. #AWSsummit