Many are using this comparison of wild vs modern bananas to support the idea that this *must* be true.
Here’s what the science says...

The hybridisation event that created the types of banana we know today happened millennia ago.
*Some* evidence suggests at least 5,000 years, in fact.
So they aren’t *that* modern, really. Unless woolly mammoths are also ‘modern’.
You see, plants hybridise naturally in the wild all the time.
So not a human creation. We were just smart enough to value it.
Well, they all contain a similar nutrient content, some just with lots more seeds.
Perhaps because it looks rather different and this makes an impressive visual.
I mean, wild apples, blackberries, pears & *ehem* cherries look almost identical, but picking these wouldn’t support this narrative.
See what I did there?🤣