Here are some nuggets you might find valuable.
However, it is usually achievable because most workers are not incentivized to find and solve new problems.
Problem solving at its core is about making falsifiable statements. Just like the scientific method.
If its not falsifiable, you are writing hope statements
Much of business is run on hope statements.
Of course she created all sorts of ideas that changed the course of the firm like MECE and Pyramid Principle
Apples Revenue:
- Americas Revenue
- Non-Americas Revenue
This is MECE because the categories do NOT overlap and collectively make up all of apples Revenue. This would NOT be MECE:
- Americas Revenue
- Europe Revenue
where is Asia?!
The key thing about the pyramid principles is that you
=> Start with the answer
Or at McKinsey "communicate top down"
1. Practice
2. Get direct feedback
For me it took almost 10 years and 5 years of teaching others for me to "get it"
I'll be facilitating with the great @JayTdike
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