There are some stories to tell: including bits about a broken ankle, a forged email, a big air traffic control problem, and the issue of @daisyjarrett's glasses. Plus some really geeky facts. Lesssssgo...

We worked insanely hard to genuinely keep the secret from every DJ (except @gregjames and @grimmers.) Radio is SO intimate. You'd have heard it in the presenter's voices if they were lying. It had to be real.
The location team got terrifying briefings: "DON'T BE THE ONE WHO SLIPS UP">

I went: "town... or city... or village" and I *think* got away with it.
@daisyjarrett's hot new transparent glasses were threat level: MAJOR. They don't exactly fit the cover story of "Pier Structural Engineer". Did my old brown hat do the trick??? You be the judge

Who knew you can drive a van up a pier these days? Less rickety than in Victorian times.
NOPE. If they'd been caught in 5 minutes we'd have let it happen.
Producers, @LiamMConroy, @jamesnormanfyfe and @GraceHopper1 were taken off rota and given one job: do EVERYTHING YOU CAN to find them.
We agreed early on it wasn't about the first person to text "Weston Super Mare". Thousands of towns were guessed at random. The win was in finding a credible theory and investigating it live on air.
The reason was, Team Hide were convinced they'd fucked it... that someone had seen them on the way in.
That slick speedboat getaway? We edited out of the video the bit where the boat was pointing the wrong way as it set off and had to do a three point turn. Oops!
The poor lad, @tomryder___, has a broken ankle and was on crutches! We had to hastily rearrange and put signs up in the club house.
Thankfully, when they got to Liverpool, there was water they could safely fly low over and the code could be read.

@TomGaneCFM did a frighteningly good job of forging a confirmation email for London-Edinbrugh. It was spotted poking out of Nick's pocket in a fan pic.
Cockily, we were so sure people would fall for it, we had a wanted poster ready to go on a three-story high electronic screen in Edinburgh. Nice one @MaxBuckland

No one found the bundle of receipts for shops in Leicester I dropped at BBC HQ.

I was on Web Whatsapp NON STOP linking together the 45 or so people working on: the 7 live radio shows, 5 online platforms, the secret location itself, the Seeking effort, plus things like the plane and the billboards. FUCK IT WAS INTENSE
That's how we got those amazing "we MIGHT be there" moments.
Right. That's enough from me. STOP SHOWING OFF CHRIS. Can you tell I'm proud of all this and the amazing team??
What do you reckon? Should we do #HideAndSeek again?