💖Good depth of compression
💖Good rate of compression
💖Allowing for adequate recoil
Allowing for adequate recoil allows the heart to refill, since cardiac output for CPR in medical cardiac arrest is PRELOAD-dependent
🍌 CPR 👍 in medical arrest
🍌⬇️(nonperfusing) SBP in trauma
🍌⬇️ DBP during CPR in trauma but not in medical arrest
CPR for Trauma:
🐾⬆️lactate, worse base deficit
🐾⬇️EF⬆️end organ damage
🥓CPR alone does not achieve perfusing MAP
🥓CPR does not add to WB or NS to achieve perfusing MAP
💔Impairs proper pt eval
💔Delays necessary procedures
💔Risks injury to health care workers
💔⬇️DBP=⬇️coronary perfusion = missing the point
⚓️r/o & treat tension PTX &/or tamponade
⚓️establish airway & iv access