Filomena Rocha 🔻 Profile picture
Aug 22, 2019 97 tweets 122 min read Read on X
The Amazon the largest lung in our world is on fire😭.
It's time for humanity to stop & think seriously about what it is doing🤨.
Is this our legacy for future generations😠?
Is money more important than conserving nature😡?
🗣️We need the forests to survive.
🗣️Protect nature!
"The fires burning in the #Amazon rain forest are so large and widespread that smoke has wafted thousands of miles away to the Atlantic coast, according to the World Meteorological Organization"
Via @Miami_Rebelde
There is no "ngo" burning the #AmazonRainforest these are Cattle Ranchers, most of whom voted for #Bolsonaro. They're destroying the #Enviroment to steal #Indigenous land for themselves #NativeTwitter!#IndigenousRights #NativeLivesMatter
Via @DrJillStein
"The #AmazonRainforest is burning.
The #ARCTIC is burning.
July was the HOTTEST month on record.
Fossil fuel execs & their bought politicians are turning Earth into a burning hell.
We need to fight for the real #GreenNewDeal NOW!…
The fires are the product of Bolsonaro’s policies that prioritize agribusiness over people—especially indigenous people, says Amazon Watch’s Christian Poirier"

The Amazon is Burning at a Record Rate
By @telesurenglish
#Bolivia is dealing with the fires caused by #Brazil, and is no longer dependent on foreign aid.
#PrayforAmazonia #PrayforAmazonas
@telesurenglish By @telesurenglish
#PrayForAmazonia is trending on social media as a record numbers of wildfires spread across #Brazil.
@telesurenglish This is how the Amazon looks right now. Devastating images. Brazil's President Jair Bolsonaro blames the fires on the NGOs that help protect the Amazon from his desires to expand deforestation for businesses
#PrayforAmazonas #PrayForTheAmazon
@telesurenglish #Brazil | Amazon burns at historic rate, affecting millions across South America while Far-right president #Bolsonaro blames droughts and NGOs.
@telesurenglish Fires continue out of control in the Amazon. My commentary for From the South. #PrayforAmazonas
@telesurenglish Via @DrJoeHanson
Why are fire numbers so bad this year? Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has enabled groups that seek to exploit the Amazon rainforest by incentivizing deforestation. Deforestation has risen under his “watch”
Via @DrJoeHanson
President Bolsanaro also rejects and questions data from his own country’s environmental scientists and sacks those who disagree with him…
By @DrJoeHanson
I'm glad so many people have found this thread & are raising awareness about preserving the Amazon rainforest
If you want to learn about why the Amazon isn't just the lungs of the planet, but also part of its heart,please watch this📹I made
@DrJoeHanson #PrayForAmazonia Goes Viral as Twitter Users Call Attention to 'International Emergency' of Fires Devastating Brazil's Rainforest -
@DrJoeHanson Wildfires are burning around the world. The most alarming is in the Amazon rainforest.…
@DrJoeHanson Greenpeace Russia team bears witness of the disastrous fires burning in the Siberian region of Irkutsk. 5 million hectares of forests are burning right now. It's a climate emergency! #SaveSiberianForest #GreenpeaceFire
@DrJoeHanson #SaveSiberianForest #ARMY #BTS
In Siberia, three million hectares of forest covered by forest fires. many animals & plants die, people in nearby cities are in a position dangerous to life because of the smoke. being an ARMY, I ask for help from my fandom+
@DrJoeHanson @MiniAngel1013 “The Amazon region is burning!”

The largest rainforest in the world, vital in the fight against global warming, home to one million indigenous people & millions of plants & animals

This year it has seen “a record number of fires” (Inpe) THREAD⬇️
@DrJoeHanson @MiniAngel1013 A reminder that the Amazon forest has been on fire for 3 weeks now and because of the lack of media coverage people don’t know about it. this is one of most important ecosystems on earth
@DrJoeHanson @MiniAngel1013 President Bolsonaro says the fires are being investigated but says the government lacks the resources to fight the flames
@DrJoeHanson @MiniAngel1013 Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro suggested non-governmental organisations had set fires, as revenge for his government slashing their funding

But he didn’t show any evidence, and he later claimed he never accused them
@DrJoeHanson @MiniAngel1013 "A consequence of the increase in deforestation” (WWF)

Conservationists blame the government

They say Bolsonaro, has encouraged loggers and farmers to clear land
@DrJoeHanson @MiniAngel1013 The Amazon Rainforest produces more than 20% of the world’s oxygen and its been burning for the past 3 weeks. It’s our responsibility to help to save our planet.
@DrJoeHanson @MiniAngel1013 World forest fires getting worse (with increasing global surface warming) and an increasingly large source of more CO2.;c:80.…
Fire Information for Resource Management System on 22 August 2019😡👇🏼
@DrJoeHanson @MiniAngel1013 Bolivia's President Evo Morales has ordered the purchase of a Boeing 747 super tanker aircraft to tackle forest fires raging on Bolivia's border with Brazil.
@DrJoeHanson @MiniAngel1013 La comparecencia en el Congreso brasileño de una líder indígena el pasado abril vuelve a la actualidad tras los devastadores incendios en la Amazonia.
@DrJoeHanson @MiniAngel1013 A diferencia de Bolsonaro, Evo Morales pidió ayuda a Rusia, con uno de los aviones más grandes del mundo, para combatir el incendio que tiene en su país.
@DrJoeHanson @MiniAngel1013 Via @Jmanuel35359053
*Incendio en Amazonas: Bolsonaro reconoce falta de pruebas contra oenegés
@DrJoeHanson @MiniAngel1013 @Jmanuel35359053 By @evoespueblo
Los bolivianos hemos enfrentado unidos muchos momentos difíciles y los hemos superado. Ahora trabajamos juntos, por aire y por tierra, para sofocar el incendio en nuestra Chiquitanía. #UnidadEnLaAdversidad
@DrJoeHanson @MiniAngel1013 @Jmanuel35359053 @evoespueblo Via @ggreenwald
1/ It cannot be exaggerated what a threat to the planet Jair Bolsonaro is. By @washingtonpost:“Huge tracts of the Amazon,which serves as the lungs of the planet by taking in carbon dioxide,storing it in soils & producing oxygen, are ablaze”…
Via @ggreenwald
2/ The cause isn't in doubt:“INPE tracks deforestation in Brazil & its data has shown a huge increase in the Amazon this year. In early August,INPE found 1,330 square miles of rainforest had been lost since January alone, which is a rate 40% higher than in 2018.”
Via @ggreenwald
3/ Shown by the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service, "the fires have led to a clear spike in carbon monoxide emissions as well as planet-warming carbon dioxide emissions, posing a threat to human health and aggravating global warming."
Via @ggreenwald
4/ This satellite image from @NASA has horrified Brazil and the world. It’s a potent omen of what Bolsonaro is doing to the world:
Via @ggreenwald
5/ Yesterday,as pressure grew,Bolsonaro claimed the fires were started by environmental groups.That got Intern. coverage. What many don’t know is 3 weeks ago, Bolsonaro fired a key scientist for warning - w data- of exploding deforestation:…
Via @ggreenwald
6/ It’s well-known that Bolsonaro’sPoliticalCoalition relies on ReligiousFanatics & supporters of a reversion to the country's MilitaryDictatorship. But as important is the country’s ToxicAgro-Industry,which is GettingEverything it wants &+…
Via @ggreenwald
7/ This agro-business industry, and Bolsonaro's subservience to it, is destroying not only the Amazon with fires & deforestation, but also the ecosystem that sustains it. Look:…
Via @ggreenwald
8/ There’s also a GraveHumanCost:Amazon is where many IndigenousTribes live.Their leaders have often been murdered by IndustrialInterests.Bolsonaro has been explicit in his contempt for them,giving implicit license for violence against them…
@ggreenwald How do the presidents of #Brazil and #Bolivia face the issue of the Amazon fires?
@ggreenwald #InPictures | Massive forest fires have damaged much of #Bolivia's Chiquitania region in the nation's southeast that borders between the Gran Chaco and the Amazon.
@ggreenwald #InPictures | In Bern, #Switzerland, protesters are taking to the streets in defense of the Amazon urging #Brazil's President #JairBolsonaro to stop destroying the future. "Outside Bolsonaro"
@ggreenwald By @telesurenglish
#Brazil | The Fridays for Future Movement #FFM called on the world's citizens to demonstrate in front of the Brazilian embassies to demand President #JairBolsonaro measures against wildfires unleashed at the Amazon region.
@ggreenwald @telesurenglish By @telesurenglish
#Brazil | Scientists say that the protection of the Brazilian Amazon, the world's largest tropical rainforest, is critical to the fight against climate change.
#PrayforAmazonia #PrayforAmazonas
@ggreenwald @telesurenglish By @telesurenglish
#Brazil | The wildfires at Amazon rainforest are an "acute emergency" that should be discussed during the #G7Summit, a German spokesperson said.
#PrayforAmazonia #PrayforAmazonas
@ggreenwald @telesurenglish #Brazil | Protesters around the world have demonstrated outside Brazilian embassies today, against President Jair Bolsonaro's inaction.
#PrayforAmazonia #PrayforAmazonas
@ggreenwald @telesurenglish Protesters in Quito, #Ecuador join demonstrations around the world, demanding right-wing president #JairBolsonaro change his policies to protect the Amazon region. They chant: "There is no life without Amazonia!"
#PrayforAmazonia #PrayforAmazonas
@ggreenwald @telesurenglish By @telesurenglish
Right now in Rio de Janeiro, #Brazil, protesters also join the world in defense of the Amazon.
#ActForTheAmazon #AmazoniaEnLlamas
@ggreenwald @telesurenglish By @telesurenglish
In #Colombia, people are mobilizing to defend the "lungs of the world." "Bolsonaro murderer!" they shouted in the capital, Bogotá.
@ggreenwald @telesurenglish In Sao Paulo, #Brazil, hundreds of people are protesting outside the São Paulo Art Museum (#MASP) in defense of the devastated Amazon.
@ggreenwald @telesurenglish @jaarreaza Via @elliot_sperber
The wrong people are being killed by drones
Amazon fires: Bolsonaro actively trying to devastate rainforest, leaked documents show | The Independent…
@ggreenwald @telesurenglish @jaarreaza @elliot_sperber Via @OttenbergEve
The rest of the world should rise up against the criminal Bolsonaro regime as it actively plots to destroy the rainforest. At the very least, leaders should do what Evo Morales did and send tanker planes to spray water on the fires.…
@ggreenwald @telesurenglish @jaarreaza @elliot_sperber @OttenbergEve @bodhibrian Via @ggreenwald
The largest city in the Western Hemisphere, São Paulo, was plunged into darkness in the middle of the day due at least in part to the raging fires burning the Amazon under Bolsonaro. He's a threat to the whole planet.…
@ggreenwald @telesurenglish @jaarreaza @elliot_sperber @OttenbergEve @bodhibrian By @bodhibrian
It's like the end of the world ! Americas candidate Bolsonaro shows us what Guaido the Guided One would do in Venezuela
@ggreenwald @telesurenglish @jaarreaza @elliot_sperber @OttenbergEve @bodhibrian By @telesurenglish
#Brazil | Thousands of people around the world defended the world's largest rainforest by shouting phrases such as "Fire to the fascists","War on Bolsonaro","Long life to the Amazon"&"Get out Bolsonaro."
#PrayforAmazonia #PrayforAmazonas
@ggreenwald @telesurenglish @jaarreaza @elliot_sperber @OttenbergEve @bodhibrian By @telesurenglish
#France | The EU-Mercosur trade agreement will not get support if the #Brazilian government continues to despise environmental issues.
@ggreenwald @telesurenglish @jaarreaza @elliot_sperber @OttenbergEve @bodhibrian #FromTheSouth News Bits | Fires are also ravaging #Paraguay's #Amazon region and plenty more remains in danger due to drought.
@OsvaldoteleSUR reports from the tri-border area of Bahia Negra."
@ggreenwald @telesurenglish @jaarreaza @elliot_sperber @OttenbergEve @bodhibrian @OsvaldoteleSUR By @telesurenglish
"As planned, the #Supertanker reinforced the effectiveness of the heroic work of our pilots, those in uniform & volunteers who are tirelessly fighting the fire in Chiquitania," President #EvoMorales tweeted.
@ggreenwald @telesurenglish @jaarreaza @elliot_sperber @OttenbergEve @bodhibrian @OsvaldoteleSUR By @telesurenglish
"From January to Aug. 23, the fines dropped to a third of what it was during the same period last year while fires in #Brazil increased by 84 percent."
@ggreenwald @telesurenglish @jaarreaza @elliot_sperber @OttenbergEve @bodhibrian @OsvaldoteleSUR By @BrianMteleSUR
We've just arrived in Porto Velho, Rondonia in #Brazil's #Amazon region. It's an area which was once covered by virgin rainforest, but where agribusiness is quickly encroaching. The same is happening next door in the state of #Amazonas."
@ggreenwald @telesurenglish @jaarreaza @elliot_sperber @OttenbergEve @bodhibrian @OsvaldoteleSUR @BrianMteleSUR By @BrianMteleSUR
#Brazil | People residing in the #Amazon municipality of Guajará-Mirim, in the state of Rondonia, denounce that ranchers are setting fire to areas near to the Lage Velho indigenous village."
@ggreenwald @telesurenglish @jaarreaza @elliot_sperber @OttenbergEve @bodhibrian @OsvaldoteleSUR @BrianMteleSUR By @BrianMteleSUR
"Rondônia, #Brazil. The fire department says that the number of fires has risen by 193% this year in the 6 counties where the most blazes are taking place."
@ggreenwald @telesurenglish @jaarreaza @elliot_sperber @OttenbergEve @bodhibrian @OsvaldoteleSUR @BrianMteleSUR "Bolsonaro came into office & gutted environmental agencies⁠—giving big ranchers the green light to move in, parcel out & burn down land inside indigenous reservations..."
@ggreenwald @telesurenglish @jaarreaza @elliot_sperber @OttenbergEve @bodhibrian @OsvaldoteleSUR @BrianMteleSUR By @BrianMteleSUR
I woke up this morning with a splitting headache. Looking out from the hotel roof, it was easy to see why. Smoke from forest fires has increased so much from yesterday that they just had to close down the Porto Velho airport.
@ggreenwald @telesurenglish @jaarreaza @elliot_sperber @OttenbergEve @bodhibrian @OsvaldoteleSUR @BrianMteleSUR "#Brazil | Light rain wasn't enough to clear the smoke-filled air or forest fires in the state of Rondônia. @BrianMteleSUR reports from Porto Velho in Northwest #Brazil."
@ggreenwald @telesurenglish @jaarreaza @elliot_sperber @OttenbergEve @bodhibrian @OsvaldoteleSUR @BrianMteleSUR By @BrianMteleSUR
Brazilian Workers Party President Gleisi Hoffmann gave a recent speech in Congress defending Lula's legacy protecting the rainforest & contrasting it with the destruction wreaked by the Bolsonaro Govt. Subtitled in English.
@ggreenwald @telesurenglish @jaarreaza @elliot_sperber @OttenbergEve @bodhibrian @OsvaldoteleSUR @BrianMteleSUR By @telesurenglish
"#USA President Donald Trump was absent from the talks on climate change & biodiversity at a G7 session on Monday, and Macron said he had been busy holding bilateral meetings..."
By @telesurenglish
"The donations and visibility that celebrities' denunciations provide vs. the dream of real national, regional and worldwide public policies..."
@telesurenglish By @telesurenglish
"Hundreds of people demonstrate outside the #Brazilian embassy in #Washington DC, rejecting @jairbolsonaro's role in the #Amazon destruction."
By @telesurenglish
#Brazil's Justice Ministry ignored requests from the authorities of the State of Para who asked for help to prevent fires.
#JairBolsonaro #SergioMoro #AmazonFires
@telesurenglish By @telesurenglish
The comments come amid criticism leveled at #JairBolsonaro for inaction, while #Bolivia has been praised for mobilizing large efforts to help extinguish fires in their country.
#Brazil #EvoMorales #AmazonFires
By @telesurenglish
#Brazil will reject US$20 million from the G7 nations to fight fires in the Amazon rainforest unless #France's President #EmmanuelMacron withdraws his "insults," President #JairBolsonaro said. #AmazonFires
@telesurenglish Message from the indigenous Xingu people of Brazil:
"No to the mining in our lands. No to deforestation. No more invasions & disrespect. No more pesticides in our rivers & our food. No more criminal fires in the forest.."
#ActForTheAmazon #AmazonFires

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