“Report of Investigation of Former Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey's Disclosure of Sensitive Investigative Information and Handlin of Certain Memoranda”
Full PDF: oig.justice.gov/reports/2019/o…
—One of those attorneys (Richman) then leaked the contents of this memo to the NYT...but supposedly *not the classified portions*
(Footnote 66)
—Comey violated DOJ & FBI policies (by releasing official FBI info to 3rd parties without permission)
—Comey violated his FBI employment agreement (by failing to surrender his memos)
—Comey improperly designated his memos as personal (they were FBI records)
—Comey violated Executive Order 13526 and Intelligence Community, DOJ, and FBI policies governing marking of classified information (by not marking Memo 3 as containing classified info)
"By using it to create public pressure for official action, Comey set a dangerous example"
"What was not permitted was the unauthorized disclosure of sensitive investigative information, obtained during the course of FBI employment, in order to achieve a personally desired outcome" (N.B: Mueller's appointment)
*Comey skates on a crime*
—He leaked memos to his attorney's that contained classified info (one had clearance)
—He directed his attorney's to leak their contents to the media
—They did leak to the media BUT: they didn't leak the classified portions of the memos
*Comey violated IC/FBI/DOJ policy*
—Leaked to the media for personal reasons, had other legal options open to him
—Gave classified info to attorneys
—Failed to properly identify classified info in a memo
—Didn't surrender his memos
—Set a "dangerous example"