We have a primary to fully vet them all and discuss their strengths and weaknesses to determine which one is best suited to face Trump in the fall.
It just means it should be part of the discussion.
GOP knows everything we know and a thousand things we don't know. (Hopefully our side does too.)
And even so, silencing one person isn't going to end the conversation. And it's very rude. Stop it
And if a candidate wins despite the negative charge, maybe it's not the most effective argument
Disclaimer: Not an exact science
That could happen to us too. Leading in the polls is not winning. The only poll that matters is Election Day.
Your candidate might endorse a candidate you cannot stand.
The candidate you're trashing today might end up being the best remaining option.
Bernie is not normal.
The Bros are not normal.
Don't be a Bro.
This applies to disaffected Republican as well. We need them. We need to make the decision to cross over easy and attractive.
The more we talk about issues, the more people will stay home, on both sides.
If we keep reminding potential supporters all the reasons they hate the nominee (Dems) or the Dem Party (GOP), they'll never vote with us.
GOP primary was so contentious that "normal" Republican refused to endorse the Roy Moore-esque guy who won, and we managed to talk her into endorsing us.
We needed both. In every Red-to-Blue race, we need our base but we need crossovers too
The Trump campaign of course took full advantage of that, just like in my campaign. They targeted the Bros, and it worked.
We're lucky to have so many good candidates to choose from. You don't have to decide now.
Almost all of them except Bernie & Tulsi could put up a good fight against Trump.
It's ok if it's your 2nd or 3rd choice.
But we know that's not true.
We need to make the decision to support the nominee as painless as possible, for potential supporters on both sides of the aisle.
In December we will be having a completely different conversation (and I hope it is NOT about socialism.)
Look at everything with an eye towards how it will play with swing voters and other potential allies.
No purity tests. We need everybody, even people we hate.
That makes it harder for us to come together.
And that would be doing GOP's job for them.