This week we're analysing the conflicting narratives on Kashmir.
On August 5, the Indian govt revoked the state's special status and imposed a strict communications blockade.
We've spoken with @MirzaWaheed, @tallstories, @AdityaRajKaul and @ihbarus.

Journalist Nirupama Subramanian (@tallstories) has reported on previous Kashmir crises and compares the current blockade with ones she's seen before.
It’s a word that’s been picked up by many Indian TV news outlets.
Journalist @AdityaRajKaul says much of the foreign coverage is sensational and inaccurate.
(Note: Many intl outlets have responded to criticism with assertions that their work is robust.)
@RGizbert1 spoke with Kashmiri author and journalist @MirzaWaheed on the current situation in Kashmir.