My favorite song from this year's album of the year (thus far). One of the best and most interesting voices in music right now.
The Coup is @BootsRiley 's day job. Whenever I think of the talentless soulsuckers in the White House I think of this song.
A miracle little song from this year with a throwback sound and a groovy bridge featuring Jimetta Rose.
"A stomping rocker with a DGAF attitude" - @brooklynvegan
Booker sings powerfully about the fear of people of color and plays on all meanings of the word "witness." Musically and culturally necessary.
Musician's music from musicians' musicians.
The best songs are meant to have an individual meaning for the listener. Is the hopeless place the limelight? A cruel society? A depressed state? Doesn't matter.
This song is about ex sex.
Lizzo is deservedly taking over the world right now. See is you can find her first few albums, much more rap focused.
Has a similar beat to "Standing Outside a Tollbooth..." by Primitive Radio Gods. Maybe you disagree - don't punish me for what I feel.
There's not much to say about this song except that I love it so much.
Best part of the song "When should we bust into harmony?"
I taught my kids the booming drum pattern so they can thump along on long car rides. Is the fate that half of the world has planned for me?
Can't type weeping
Wow did this song get panned but what do critics know?
Pitbull is fine but I'm here for the Kesha. One of the ancestors of Old Town Road.
I read that Janelle Monae is the new James Brown but now that's limiting. As a performer Janelle Monae is the new and old everything.
This song opened up a whole new world for the Black Keys, thanks to the production touch of Danger Mouse.
The go-to for YouTube watching parties among 30 somethings early in the decade.
This was a one-off project featuring Gabe Levine of Takka Takka, and I can't find him anywhere. Recorded with members of @TheNational and some other indie darlings. Love the cello.
I will never stop thinking that the world is not crazy for embracing this song and the rest of the music from Sinkane's 2017 album, Life & Livin' It.
Another appearance on the list from populist producer Danger Mouse. The high road IS hard to find.
Will Jay Z use his position with the NFL to tell this story?
Kudos to the Youtuber Bee C for figuring out the riff is a reference to Bob Dylan "Tell Me That it Isn't True."
The song is cinematic in its scope and build. Would love a new album from these guys.
The one and only time I saw Arcade Fire they performed this song second, and when Regine Chassagne stepped out in front and started singing I was hooked.
Two songs for the price of one.
Lead vocals are handled by @ilovelucius. Saw this band in its nascency at LPR and it was glorious.
The song "is about being addicted to your own suffering and the moral consequences of letting the rock roll.” @andrewbird
Quite simply the sexiest song of this era.
Adele is the most likely person to release a surprise album in December and make this list outdated.
White is the founder of @Spacebomb records, so he knows that
a) rock and roll is in fact not cold
b) everybody does in fact like to talk shit
Rides a riff from P-Funk and some great...bells to greatness. Rilly.
This pairing was gravitational; music lovers attracted to each other's craft.
The lyrics are hard to digest in this era of constant school shootings, but the song is undeniably great nonetheless.
I've seen Barnett play this song live 4 times, and the sheet music is just a suggestion. Great every time.
A profane interrogation of immortality of sexism. "A shimmering, roller-disco vamp" - @lindsayzoladz
I don't mind if I have to wait around in the emptiness for this music.
Everybody has a band/artist that they wish would make it bigger and be able to make more music. This is that band for me. @heatherfrobb can, like, sing.
If you don't like the weather in a Foxygen song, just wait 2 minutes.
Yet another Danger Mouse production special. With a great video featuring the Brooklyn Jumbies stiltwalkers.
Little Simz uses all the tools in the hip hop writer's kit. "The boom and snarl of Little Simz’s voice make it obvious she’s at the top of the food chain" - @pitchfork
One of those songs that is so good and so simple that you think its a cover because you can't imagine it not existing.
"Flame your crew quicker than Trump fucks his youngest" is not exactly what they meant, but you get the idea. Watch the video to the end.
Saint Finn, patron of the melancholy wanderers of the Midwest.
Nakhane survived gay "conversion therapy" to write this paean to living an honest and free life.
Sounds like a song about a successful night at the bar, but it's really about the birth of his child. You can hear the ultrasound mid-track.
One of 5 or 6 First Aid Kit songs that could have made this list. One of those bands that are even better live.
TNP have such an unfair amount of talent they can lose a performer here and there and not miss a beat. This great video was made by Tom Scharpling of WFMU.
Love this live version on KEXP - a little faster, looser, weirdness provided by the bottom frets of a guitar.
Rubinos cites Kendrick Lamar, Erykah Badu, KRS-One and Slum Village as her influences - unflinching honesty is the common thread. (h/t @REMEZCLA)

Rose put out two albums early this decade and has toured but been otherwise quiet since then. This song is enough! But I hope one day to hear some more.
If you follow this thread, or listen to the spotify list to follow, you'll see its 99 upbeat tunes and this, my go to sad song. It's beautiful. She's my man.
An early part of the Australian invasion of Psychedelic rock on the excellent @MomAndPopMusic
An alternative universe: April Ludgate was born in NYC, not Pawnee, and channeled her iconoclastic boldness into music. This song and album would have been the result.
Don't hate this song because it was ubiquitous; love it because it deserved to be.
Radiohead: Come for the Thom Yorke, stay for the Jonny Greenwood.
3 minutes from the start. Cue this song up. Pump your legs up and down. Crank the volume. Hit the clock. Run. Fast.
Found this song via internet music's secret weapon, @largeheartedboy and author Hannah Gersen's Book Notes playlist. A song about the oxymoron nature of military intelligence.
The standout track from A Tuba to Cuba, a soundtrack to a doc of the same name that connect Dixieland jazz and Cuban music.
From the Song Reader album; Beck wrote the songs and other artists performed them. This one is a perfect combo.
A psychedelic pop song about the ever nearer future with a nonce word as its chorus - any ideas what "transgenital" means, in any language?
There's a...mismatch?...between FJM's sardonic songwriting and his unmatched gift for writing a crowd-pleasing melody.
The song is organized around samples from La Contessa, Incontro by Bruno Nicolai from a movie called Love Birds.
Kendrick Lamar is the realest rapper, wherein real means the most relatable person and not the toughest, "street"est, or whatever other stereotype exists about rap.
Yes, anything can be a metaphor for sex.
This song is great and all, but Canal and the Bowery in Manhattan is not a romantic location AT ALL.
Don't let the folk trappings fool you; this is the horniest song of the twenty teens.
Josh put out this song, and a man from Idaho used it to teach others his line dance. Josh then used the video as his official video for the song. I love Josh.
When she played this song at @BRICcelebrateBK, Merrill Garbus stopped mid-tune to teach the thousands in attendance the words.! C'mon people!
That pain in your chest might have more to do with heartburn then heartache, Cee-Lo.
"It just kind of came out happy, the music was really happy but then all of a sudden these heavy words came out and I was like I guess that's just the way its going to be." BF - @NME
Remember that greatest rapper list that came out a month ago with 50 men listed and no women? Yeah, me too.
& @ItsMystikal)
This song is so filthy, the video version - set at a school talent show- had completely different verses. The prelude to Uptown Funk that few know about.
Fun fact - Portugal. The Man is from Wasilla, Alaska, past home of about to be single Sarah Palin.
There is a great article in @uncutmagazine about Kurt Wagner's process in making music these days, and the not entirely related process of putting together a touring band.
Brittany Howard, the incredibly talented frontwoman, has an Alabama tattoo on her right bicep. So whenever she starts dancing as she plays the guitar and sings....
I feel guilty about promoting this song about the perils of on-line life on Twitter. Bask in the discomfort.
The song was recorded in the bedroom of drummer David McLean, who is the younger brother of Beta Band drummer and Die Hard protagonist John Maclean.
"Sounds Like This" was the best jam band album of the decade; @ me all you want.
The lyrics to this song are the standard wedding vows; the video features a lifelong relationship between Gainsbourg and @Blood_Orange
Not only is this one of the top 100 songs of the decade, it's my favorite song in the Cornish language.
Any running playlist without this song is incomplete.
How many times did you sing this song before you realized he was singing about acute cocaine intoxication?
Kishi Bashi is putting together a documentary about the internment of Japanese Americans slated to come out next year.
A beautifully composed song about finding love after a life of travail.
I love songs like this that seem to be constantly building but keep you wanting it to go on forever.
"Bedouin Dress' is about how in relationships I've felt that I've had a lot of capacity to give back. And sometimes that's because I've been so focused on music."
On a great episode on @SongExploder, Thao Nguyen explains that this song is about her estranged father. Fun Fact - Thao is now the host of songexploder.
My favorite BSS songs are sung by Andrew Whiteman. Or Feist. Or Amy Millan. Or Kevin Drew. Or...
Watch, listen and learn about American colonialism in Haiti!
From one of the best and most original albums of the decade.
The first song that plays whenever I start my car. I'll never be sick of it.
Lead singer A. Savage is also a talented artist - he did the artwork featured in the video.
Is the accompanying video a reference to the famous Rolling Stones Some Girls album cover?
Hard to pick one song from this album. Check out the @dissectpodcast for amazingly thorough analysis of MBDTF.
Between her sophomore album, her participation in the supergroup @TheHighwomen
, and her impending motherhood, it's been quite a year for @MarenMorris
I can eventually figure out what Iron and Wine songs mean - or at least have a theory - but this one's got me stumped. Doesn't matter.
Tijoux is a rapper of Chilean descent born in France because her parents left Chile to escape Pinochet. You might recognize the song from an opening scene in Breaking Bad.