Denying or downplaying the #Holocaust is not new. It has been a recurring theme by AJ arabic since its establishment. 1/

AJ+, however, always claimed it is different, but n reality, it is run by the same leftists/Islamists who deny Holocaust 2/
What a naive thinking 3/
But that is NOT because the channel suddenly becomes less #antisemitic, but because it was caught. The Qatari channel is run by a group of cowards who cannot even stand by its employees when exposed 4/…
The politics of cowardice dualism is prevailing in the ME and we must stand against it.
#Holocaust denial has never helped Palestinian cause!
Watch to see the depth of historical revisionism and hatred
H/T @just_whatever
A tragic story of a Palestinian girl died from a brain tumour, and top Palestinian activists/anchors twisted her story for political purposes
The fact she died is bad enough, so why adding “died alone in a Jerusalem hospital” while she died weeks after in Gaza? Why? 8/
Activists jumped in, because they needed a story to coincide with the #Eurovision2019 in TA
It seems that raising the Palestine flag is now the mother of all symbolism.
Madona was cursed for attending, then loved for her flag twist in her dreadful song 10/
But unlike others:
•I reject hatred
•stand for peace
•want TWO states, Israel and Palestine
•stand strongly against antisemitism.
Unlike the hypocritical peace rejectionists . 12/

Worth noting, the coward hypocrite Qatari outlet labels Arab states with good relations with Israel as “Arab Zionists” Arabic