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I'd normally make a novelty account for this but I can't be bothered. I'm just gonna make a thread of all the terrible superhero/villain ideas and names that cross my brain.
First up, ones I've actually used already in my Masks game:
A tinker who wears a black helmet, featureless save for scrawled smiley mouth across it, and her best friend an enormous brown bear with human level intelligence.

Grin and Bearrette.
Tag: A teenager who uses her powers and spray paint to create a variety of different effects. (Explosions, heat, cold, acid). Hands and clothes always covered in fresh wet paint. she used to work with an older villain with similar powers called "Spraymate".
A former educator and expert in robotics who makes and commands an army of robots that look like little kids wearing school uniforms. The Device Principal.
Bare Bones and The Pound of Flesh: a pair who spawned from a single person. Bare Bones is a living skeleton (still with brain and eyes), able to form his bones into blades and weapons. The Pound of Flesh is a shapechanging mass of living tissue. BB wears TPoF as a meat suit a lot
Now for some that are still in the ideas trunk.
Head Cannon. Guy with a gun for a head.
A girl with mist/cloud powers. Wears a gasmask and has a blue/pink colorscheme: Vaporwaif.
A young speedster which brand deals and a huge social media presence. Constantly followed by drones who have a live feed to her twitch channel. Streamer. (Oh wait, I used her.)
I have nothing but a name for this one: Bitch Snap.
Unrelated to these: in the history of my fake comic book line for my Masks game, there was a period of time when all three of the following were active heroes and the same time: Silver Sentry, The Silver Century, and The Silver Centurion. Nobody could keep it straight.
A Golden Age hero who can transform herself into a woman/aircraft hybrid: Plane Jane.
Big Mood. A Giant with emotion control.
A tyrannosaur who either spends all his time at the gym (T-Flex) or is also a witch (T-Hex).
Vaporwaif has also got a pet dragon; the Vapewyrm.
Shield Mouse. Either just a small person or an actual rodent who can projected psychic barriers and bubbles.
"Of Mice and Menace" is also a great comic title for Shield Mouse's debut volume.
Cloud Chaser has got to be a good friend/partner of Vaporwaif, maybe even sibling. Very spacey personality.
Uncle Teeth is a rotund villain with an enormous fanged maw in his torso. He can vomit gremlin sized monsters from it that he calls "niblings".
I no idea what to do with the phrase "peanut butter jelly fish" but there it is.
A wine-drinking hard partying raptor with goat horns.

Deinonysus or Dionychus.
A homeless kid with a big fuck-off rifle. Guttersniper.
A boy band that voltrons into a giant dude to fight/commit crime. "Boyz to Man".
If I need a nemesis or ally for Shield Mouse, I'm thinking either Rat Scratcher or Skewer Rat.
And yes, that would be a rat with either a spear or rapier.
A young cape with phasing/shadow powers who has donned a ghost outfit and set out to be an Intrepid Kid Reporter. Deadline.
I couldn't stop myself in this case Image
I don't even know what to do with this one: maybe a drug for dinosaurs or something they'd reference in a religious context. The Velocirapture.
A lovely criminal in a rainbow bee costume and their partner (all senses) a deer wearing a domino mask and striped shirt. Gay Bee and the Crime Doe.
A spooky Halloween villain related to Vaporwaif. Vape Fear.
Possiblr issue titles or tag lines for Vaporwaif/Vape Fear: "Going Vape", "Taking Vape", "Vape Escape", "Ahead in the clouds"
Oh shit, I forgot this one. The "mutant high school" in my Masks game is named for a fallen hero, civilian name Albert Isaac Morris. He was a silver age hero by the name of "Time Out" which temporal manipulation. (also tended to go by Zach, short for his middle name)
Albert Isaac Morris Memorial High School is a bit of a mouthful though. So people tend to shorten that to A.I.M.M. High.
I nearly fell over in the shower off that one.
Duo with ghost themed powers: Zeitgeist and Esprit de l'Escalier.
A huge buff wrestler with a santa hat, red trunks and a rocking ass: Saint Thick.
If I need a goofy mook, I need to remember the Watermelon Felon, who wears a watermelon suit and spits seeds with incredible force and accuracy.
Also the Falconvict, which is just a man sized bird of prey with a stripey jumpsuit and uses a chain gain leg weight thing as a flail.
Also maybe that goose from the Untitled Goose game except she's a male and wears a domino mask and is called the Hooligander.
A really hopeless outlaw bear called "Desperadoso"
Fog Walker sounds like a cryptid, but he might just hang around with Vaporwaif.
Fog Walker, Vaporwaif, and Cloud Chaser may also team up with Haze of Glory. These guys are strong on theming.
Actually maybe that should be either Glory Haze or Gory Haze.
I good name for a hulking thug would be "Bruise Cruiser"
I introduced this NPC and my players were kinda creeped out? I have no idea why, Deadline is adorable.
I woke up this morning with the name "Sven, Himbo of the North" in my head and it's just sitting there like a snake on a rock mocking me with its excellence.
Deadzone is a pretty good name for somebody with either power negation or silence generation.
Also would "The Baby Boomer" be a supersonic toddler or a like a dude who throws baby shaped explosive devices?
A villain with a chaos powers and just THE booty. The THICCster.

Give'm a magical girl transformation sequence activated by the clap of their ass cheeks.
A jawless fish that is made of molten rock. The Lava Lamprey.
I have a user submission that the above monsters has a circular many-toothed magmaw.
There MAY also be a Silver Sentinel in that mix.
A small child in full armor with a heavy shield. The Kinderguard.
Riffing on an idea from Discord a finance themed villain team called the Pain Index. They all wear power suits with huge 80s shoulderpads.
They're lead by Count Receivable and Controlling Share, a mastermind and a mind controller respectively. They used to be married but things are complicated now.
The Muscle is a trio. Capital Gains is an absolutely massive bodybuilder. The Bull and the Bear always work as a pair.
TGE off discord suggested Market Crash who is definitely a vehicle guy. Probably has a suped up limousine.
Unrelated to the previous: A weather controlling bloodmage.

A french cowboy who turns into a wolf monster.

Loup Backaroo.
A huge rabbit monster with antlers and a gaping maw that drips fetid stinking ichor.

A hyena man with with pyrokenesis. The Chargnoll.
Also an underwater hero who's hyena themed. The Hyenaut.
Look, I chose hyenas as one of my Top 5 Animals when I was like 7 and I'm ride or die on this.
There's also an otherwise normal hyena who's got telepathy, telekinesis, and mind blasts. Psyena.
Basically batman but instead of bat theming everything, he just wears cargo shorts and drives a bad ass lawnmower. He focuses more on finding troubled youths and forming a huge happy crime fighting family. The Great Dadopter.
I guess he could be navel themed and be the Dadmiral instead which rolls of the tongue better.
Scratch all that, Dadvocat.
Gnarblers? Gullps? Kingsquishers? Shriek Shrikes? ImageImageImageImage
Highwaymanticore or highwaymandrake.
Abscondrel? Abscoundrel?
A fpying hero who really only boosts other heroes' powers and make them look good. Wingman.
Somebody has got to have used "TriceraCop" already but I refuse to google it.
There's a properly rude joke in "Pegosaurus" but I'll let you make it your own head.
The problems a sauropod with replicating powers could create would be immense. Watch out for Duplodocus.

Wait, maybe they generate offbrand legos instead....
Here's one for my antipodean friends: A man sized theropod who drives just the MOST tricked out and suped up Holden Commodore. Ute-ahraptor.
A Kelpie that works in the sea instead of a loch or river: The Shorse.
Oh snap, when Shield Mouse does their gritty dark reboot they can be Warmouse.
I was sort of thinking "Abhorse" to portmantaux abhorrent and horse, but it just ends up sounding like a horseman who's just SHREDDED. His power it just the magnificence of his 8 pack and it stuns people.

Frankly, that's much better.
OK, I know Driders are a thing but the above ground version is hairy and called a Centaurantula.
I have created the phrase "The Human Consentipede" and now it's everyone's problem.
A hero in their 20s or 30s with air bender type powers. Takes pictures of their food. Windmillenial.
A villain who sleepwalks and starts fires. Arsomnabulist
Donkey Rider. Like Kamen Rider but with a jackass for a sidekick/mount.
I don't know what a scuttlefish is but I bet it has legs AND fins.
A pop singer who rules the stage and goes into a frenzy of blind red rage at the drop of a hat. The Starbarian.
The Scion of a wealthy family who has luck powers. Fortunate Son.
A contortionist burglar with a lupine theme. Limberwolf
I don't know enough about drugs to make a real joke from "keef jerky"
Nihilista thinks that nothing matters and is pretty judgemental and pushy about it.
In the Bad Universe they sell Antifanta
Ginger Ailment
I was nearly alseep but then "doughnaut" and "Verisimillipede" kicked me in the frontal cort x
The Vortexan is a cowboy who rides tornados
Another vape villain just called 'Coil'
A bald electricity manipulator called "Ohm Dome"
Rat farts can be described as "rattus flatus"
Social Media Influenza
Arsomnabulist teams up with Arapnea (specializes in spider nightmares) to form the Strange Bedfellows.
A Dracula with electricity powers. Vampere.
A woman with bird wings that have razor blade feathers. Sharpy
When an owl cough up a pellet it's having an owl movement.
A dude with a bird costume and decomposition powers. Rottengu
I think the cadence of "chupracabra dabra" is slightly off.
If My Brother My Brother and Me have a guardian angel is a cherumbmbam.
One huge corivd and one tiny: Macrow and Microw.
(Worm Spoilers, I guess)

I was working on "Arbalesbian" a wlw who wields a fuckoff big crossbow but then I realized that there's no point in remaking Flechette.
A bad tempered crossbow wielder called Quarrelous
A super buffed contortionist called "The Flexpert"
Public figures get fanbases. If superheroes have been around for generations, there ought to be some teen heroes who got named after their parents' favorites. Golden Eagle Rivera; Goldie for short. Uncrackabled Crawdad Smith; maybe "Able" as a nickname?
Heck, villains too. Probably more villains knowing how people are.
Sohcahtoa Sanderson. But sadly not that Sohcahtoa, the other one.
OK, back to dumb superhero names:

An anthropomorphic shark (think street sharks) with healing and resurrection powers. Jaws of Life.
The Magpyena has wings, beautiful black and white feathers, and jaws that can crush bone.
Off all the things to meat on a cloudy, damp day, the Psuedoduck is probably the worst.
When you're in the forest alone, steer clear of the Deermonger and his herd.
It's an old spelling but faeces is scrabble legal. Really throws a new light on the Lords and Ladies.
A dirty capoeira brawler and amateur DJ called "LoFight Beats"
New fetish for the worst timeline: Limboification.
An evil crocodile and her pyromaniac bar fight partner.

Croc and Brawl Scorcher.
The Vape Team has one "anti-vape" villain called "Juice Cleanse"
A hot older lady with a fuck fuckoff axe and a plaid shirt. The Lumbermilf.
A sexy older guy with scales, a gaping maw, and a powerful tail. The Crocodilf.
Also, feel free to use "dilf pickle" in your everyday conversation now.
Doppelbanger is a shapechanger who makes porn of famous people.
A seven foot tall reanimated gangster with a pinstripe suit and an oversized tommy gun. Frankenstein's Mobster.
The Swole-ow Image
A person who makes replacement and enhanced limbs from plants. They especially like to work with flowers. The Transbloomanist.
A boxer with four more arms than most humans and an eight pointed mustache. Octopugilist.
Vape Suzette
A Steampunk villainess is a Steamstress and a Schemestress.
A villain with a snake head who breathes out huge billowy clouds that have a psychoactive effect (one of the side effects of which is xerostomia). Probably part of Vaporwaif's cadre. Cottonmouth.
Playing tonight only: The Wicked Dubstep Mother and the House King.
Technically, a genie is a kind of wishmonger.
A (maybe even Pre) Golden Age "Villain" who was really in the right but against the powers that be at the time. Fought for women's rights by shooting people with steel darts. Sufflachette.
Could also be Sufflechette or Suffrachette. Always has a clever patter and a comeback. Political extremist ahead of her time. Icon.
A precocious school-aged scamp who somehow attracts huge and horrible murderous monsters that love and dote on their tiny friend. Creature's Pet.
To replace the humble robin as their national bird, a secretive british cabal genetically engineered the Union Jackdaw. It turned out to be a horribly invasive species, colonizing ecosystems all over he globe.
FTR, any idea proposed by me in this thread is Free Range. If you wanna do something with one of these names or ideas, do it. I'd love to hear about it but you don't need to ask or anything.
Five young women, each with their own unique blade, team up to fight, or possibly commit, crime. The Slice Girls.
The Mafiosorceress and her girlfriend Voodoo Moll
There's an underground criminal training facility called The Malefactory.
Animal Pharmacist
Unbreakable and Indecipherable, all corvids must follow the Crow Code.
At one end of the long road stand the unseen painted arches of the Farcade through which ring the sounds of the Sambazaar .
"Ten Ton" Presley, enforcer extraordinaire, doesn't use guns because he doesn't need to. Also, his huge meaty fingers don't fit in the trigger guard.
"Shotgun" Mike Malone on the other hand does use guns, a lot of guns.
Within the respiraquarry, The air miners extract breathable gasses for use and trade.
For as long as anyone can remember, the merfolk have been ruled by the divine radial symmetry of his majesty the Czarfish.
Also, living with a dragon can be considered dracohabitating.
An aquatic hero who dresses like a 90s teenager and who's animal companion is a large ray that they ride. Skatepunk.
A cape, hero or villain, with metallokinesis but only for oxides, rusts, and tarnishes. Junkyard God.
Ecoterrorist anti-hero or villain, like Poison-Ivy or Swamp Thing but with even more plant-goth and nihilism. Verdigrief.
Alternately: Verdigrim.
Pro tip: Need a pulpy name? Just look up color names online.

Chocolate Cosmos, Atomic Tangerine, Xanthic, Caribbean Amber, Ultramarine, French Wisteria
When a nest of venomous snakes grow within the flesh it's called an aspcess.
A large bird from whom "We Like To Party" can be heard playing constantly whether you like it or not. The Vengabustard.
An anthropomorphic hyena with striped (but not hyena hyena) that plays songs and sings to make magic. Baardwolf.
A villain from the 90s originally put up against a team of teen environmentalists. Toxic Wastrel.
Headcannon: Toxic Wastrel and Verdigrief used to date.
A man who can unhinge his jaw both to unleash sonic attacks and to swallow enemies whole. Large Mouth Bastard.
He also practices Tongue Fu
The Brass Husband.
A homosexual jocky striped equine. The Gay Zebro.
'Jocky' in he's a jock. Not 'jockey' in that he rides other horses. I mean he might but that's his thing and I'm not going to invade his privacy. You do you (or whomever), Zebro.
I've got a bad case of influendo.
Brohawk, a total bro who's also a hawk with a mohawk.
Sister Fist, (formerly the Sinister Sister Fist) a reformed villain and nun who makes punching people a habit.
A villainess who steals jewelry and kidnaps beautiful children to decorate her nest. Mother Magpie
In keeping with the familial run: The Brothers Reaper.
An ursine villain to kidnaps people to appear on his gameshow: Quizzly Bear.
When undertaking terraforming, it is sometimes necessary to employ a lochsmith.
A giant crab kaiju called The Big C
A super buff catholic sister called "The Nun Show" who gets her powers from the sun. Suns out, nun's out.
The Activewerewolf freaking ROCKs those yoga pants.
A dino lady with shadow powers: Fossilhouette.
Ramón Castillo's rule63 counterpart with better fashion sense: Windsheer.
Hounds-tooth doesn't even need a pun to be a great cape name.
Another Graffiti cape! She wears dresses and can often be spotted riding on top or hanging off the sides of subway cars as she does her work. Spray-line.
Sometimes the smogfish gather and form a smokeshoal.
A seamstress villain called Hem Fatale
Alternately, she's a chemist and she's Chem Fatale
Within the inky garden of the night's sky, the Startender raises another brilliant crop.
The battlefield rang with halberdsong.
Unable to afford the treatment he needs, a trans boy learns cybernetics and masters autosurgery to become the hero this world needs. The Self-made Man.
Wandering the countryside, looking for a target for his love, is the Knight Doting Errant.
When corporate buzzwords increase exponentially, it's a synergasm.
When a celtic water spirit gets a vegas marriage, gets her soul, and ditched her spouse with the kid, it's an undine and dash.
The greatest of all the galley ships, The Fortune's Flavor.
I wanna write a comicbook about superhero law staring a hotshot young lawyer named Prudence Park and it's gonna be titled Jurist Prudence.
Her nemesis is "ProsoCute" at shapeshifting DA who uses their ability to turn into adorable animals and babies to sway the jury.
A cape who's power is just nullification/absorption/redirection of other superpowers. Countersink.
Kintsugi. A hero who can heal and repair with glowing light, but has to concentrate to keep it together.
I don't know what the Mouldsmith does exactly but I'm sure it doesn't smell great.
Queen Caffeine sounds more like a band name than a cape. Like, they try to be punk but they're really pop.
I'm sure this has been done but: The Four Horse Girls of the Apocalypse
Our current foster is very cute but also quite dumb. A bimdoge?
A cyborg with an endless amount of useful gadgets in their arms and legs. Mr./Mrs. Limbpossible. (God that spelling is weird)
The stars do not fall for they are held in place by the auroral legs of the Heaven Centipede.
In 1912 the Inventomologist finished her work on the first Clockroach. Many would follow.
A metal singer and fetish performer turned villainess. Hardcorset.
I don't know what to do with "glandelabra" except put it here and never think of it again.
A non-binary drag performer who can grow to kaiju size. Glambiguous
The bible doesn't mention Gog of Magog's thingamagog
Djinn & Djuice.
Space cocktails/drinks: Ganymead, Apple/Hard Skyder, Stargherita, Novadka.
Prostate of Denial
An insane, time displaced flapper girl who keeps changing her accent as she moves from crime to crime. Locoquette.
She likes horses, and she likes cars, and she's super strength. Horsepower Girl
A wlw who's a whiz with a sliderule is a slipstick lesbian.
If Kalino/Sohcahtoha ever gets a spear he can call it his πke.
Which is also a species of perfectly round fish.
Somebody has already done "Disasteroid" right?
In the magictech world, watch out for the cutting-edgewitch. (Like Molly Millions but with magic too)
Harrison Bergamot
A very very very large venomous snake. Cobra Kaiju.
Shit, there was a @ProteanCity episode about snakes and tarot and nobody made an "Arcanaconda" joke.
@ProteanCity A furry snake is a fuzzball python.
@ProteanCity A species of social snake that sing together to bond and communicate. The Choral Snake.
@ProteanCity An anarchist hero with ultra sharp nails. Free Edge.
@ProteanCity A rollerblading cyborg/android. Tinline
@ProteanCity Also a girl in derby gear who's electrical powers disrupt communications and can cause localized emps. Jammer.
@ProteanCity Superhero, punk aesthetic, lightly bird themed, time powers. Slomohawk.
@ProteanCity Another bird themed hero, very noble but refuses to join teams. Kite Errant.
@ProteanCity I would like to make it clear that Crowsource cannot control the birds and they cannot COMPLETELY close the portal. Everyone once in while, one just slips out. Maybe it grabs the food Crowsource was trying to eat. Maybe is just caaaaws and flies away.
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