- “Natural” radiation far greater than from accident
- No harm *possible* to humans from tritium, a mildly radioactive H isotope
- Greenpeace fear-mongering hurts Japanese fishermen & the planet
Because science
- Has *saved* 2M lives
- Just ~200 deaths *total* from *all* nuclear accidents
- 5x more people die on streets of LA in one year
- Is *inherently* safest because nuclear fuel energy dense
*Fear* of nuclear, on other hand, is deadly
- Pollution from living in big city increases mortality 2.8x *more* than being Chernobyl clean-up worker
- Eating normal food = 200x more radiation than from Chernobyl
- Fear & panic — spread by @Greenpeace et al. — has resulted in death & suffering

- Radiation not contagious & didn’t kill that baby
- No “suicide squad”
- Helicopter crash 6 months after accident & unrelated to radiation
- Nuclear plants *can’t* go off like bombs
Anti-nuke propaganda kills