This movement is getting women to numb themselves against their sense of danger.
Strange men are threats.
That’s still a self-evident truth, yes?
We can’t see or hear their “sense of gender.”
We just see a man; we’re neither blind nor psychic.
We see the people we’ve been taught since childhood to be wary of. And it was reasonable and prudent for our parents to teach us that.
It’s insane.
Hitchhikers have a high suicide rate, you know.”
We are allowed to be cautious. We are told to be cautious.
When dealing with male strangers, caution is neither extraordinary nor irrational.
No, we will NOT pretend, RIGHT DOWN TO OUR SENSE OF SELF-PRESERVATION, that TW and men are two distinctly different things.
That stranger puts his femininity on in the morning. He makes a CHOICE to do that.
*I* have no choice. So, yes. I get to be the protected person in this scenario.
I need that protection more than he does.
And my children? Are we really being told that a grown man needs to be guarded more than a child needs to be protected FROM grown men?
He cannot change the fact that he was born of the sex that women must take precautions and hold certain boundaries against.
Believe it or not, I DO have sympathy for that fact.
But this isn’t women’s fault, either. We didn’t sentence you to be male.
We shouldn’t and will not surrender our armor because of it.