[Here's a summary of my comments on the Lewandowski hearing]
If you missed the hearing, it's here: c-span.org/video/?464369-…
To get a taste of Republican tactics, watch the first 30 minutes. Then watch Berke’s cross examination at the end.
Short thread⤵️ No need need. He gave the Democrats what they needed.
Art. 3 for Nixon’s impeachment was that he impeded the House’s power of impeachment. . .
A bonus from the hearing was Lewandowski's senate campaign will be saddled with soundbites that he lied to the media.
I think one problem yesterday may have been unrealistic expectations.
I've been warning that this probably won't happen.
The current Republican Party isn't Nixon's GOP.
Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham types would have probably been Democrats.
Now the GOP is reactionary. See:
John Dean said Nixon might have survived if he'd had Fox News. politico.com/magazine/story…
In fact, today's right wing media was created to protect future Nixons.
Lewandowski did a lot of stonewalling.
He also some blurting.
“We did not want to exercise the subpoena powers because of . . necessity of expediting the end of the investigation.”
I took that to mean the public didn’t have the patience to wait out the process.
These calls are coming from the GOP as well as the left.
Notice how often in Lewandowski's hearing the Republican Congress members accused the Democrats of dragging their feet? (While they stonewalled!)
The Democrats, meanwhile, were trying to hold order, get to the truth, and expose the White House obstruction for what it was.
This is not to say that people will not be held in contempt.
But responsible governing should be methodical and measured, not impulsive or rage-based.
Polls show that most people don’t want bluster and defiance.
(Well, some want to see people slug it out).
For more on why fighting fire with fire is a bad idea, see⤵️
Or we can use what David Pozan calls “anti-hardball tactics” so that there will be less rebuilding later.
Impeachment Hearings Have Begun.
Put Away Your PItchforks 👇
I think we should beware of people trying to stir our rage. It doesn’t lead to good government.
(Sorry for typos in that timeline I made)
It appears to me from the timeline that Mueller made the subpoena decisions long before Barr became AG.
I see no reason not to take Mueller at his word. He was speaking under oath.