He provided testimony under oath that the White House is obstructing the House inquiry.
He also admitted that he lied to Fox and the media, and basically admitted that he talked freely to Mueller because he had immunity.
Haven't we had enough drama?
Lewandowski was a hostile witness.
Imagine throwing all hostile witnesses into jail.
This is particularly true when the contemptuous person is trying to show loyalty to the US President . . .
He was indicted on January 24, 2019.
He was given a hero's welcome. Think about that.
Maybe, just maybe, the Democratic House leadership knows what they're doing. It's a possibility. Right?
I have a chapter on this in my book, Guilty, Crime, Punishment, and the Changing Face of Justice.
The research on the effectiveness of deterrence is pretty well settled.
Art. 3 for Nixon’s impeachment was that he impeded the House’s power of impeachment in a subversive manner—exactly what happened here.
But the target isn't Lewandowski.
The target is Trump.
Yesterday, in a House inquiry into obstruction of justice, Trump obstructed.