Numerous bright & articulate anti no dealers come on telly and get attacked by brexit supporters (whether MPs, commentators or the public) for "blocking Brexit"
Why do they never shut this down with "but Brexit MPs voted to stop Brexit!"
The reality is - which brexit? Because brexiters can't decide on one
So May's deal was Brexit, it stopped free movement, it had the red lines
The ERG voted against it, they voted against Brexit
But the point is, it *was* Brexit, and the hard brexiters *did* vote against it, and if they hadn't, we'd have left by now
When the response comes "that wasn't *proper* brexit the follow up is "says who? Who decides for the country what *proper* Brexit is?"
"Do you want Brexit or not? Why did you vote against it?"
"The PM himself voted to stop Brexit"
"If you all agreed on what you wanted from Brexit we'd have left by now"
"So 30 Tory MPs and the DUP get to decide what 17.4m voted for?"
But the average Brexiter doesn't know that
Brexit was blocked by brexiters
If they hadn't, we'd have left by now
And if they cant decide, we shouldn't leave
We need to fight back on this