Reynoso: I am examining the motor of the Volkswagen.
AUSA: I'd like to enter a stipulation of fact.
Judge Castel: OK
Yes, under the rear seat. We cut through a recent weld. And we found two grenades.
Yes - it was $193,200. And there were 9 spiral notebooks.
AUSA: We'll come back to those later.
Reynoso: Yes.
AUSA: Where were they located?
Reynoso: There were under the airbag in the dashboard.
Reynoso: Apparently, a silencer.
AUSA: And where did you first encounter this 2 way radio?
Reynoso: it was under the driver's side floor
Reynoso: Yes.
AUSA: Can you please highlight "Tony Hernandez" on the page?
[He's the brother of Honduras' president: innercitypress.com/sdny1hondurast…]
"My name is Mike Tein and I speak for Tony Hernandez... You said it was 90% $20 bills. Now do you think it was less?
Reynoso: Most were 20s.
Tein: Did you write down the breakdown, of 20s and other denominations?
Reynoso: Yes.
Tein: Who did you count it with?
AUSA: Objection - asked and answered.
Now a sidebar with the white noise turned up.
Tein: You're saying it was your colleague who counted the money and wrote the report, Official Seizure Record?
Reynoso: Yes... in Honduras, both of us participated and signed
Tein: OK, it's Defendant Exhibit 1. May I ask a few more questions?
Judge Castel: Yes.
Tein (to Reynoso) Where were you when you wrote this report?
Reynoso: In the public office.
Tein: Were the suspects with you there?
Reynoso: In the same building.
Tein: Have you received any training in writing reports? You make sure what you're signing is true?
Reynoso: Yes.
Tein: you write it at the time so you don't have to worry about remembering?
[Note: Judge Castel faced just this, on Tuesday in a child porn case: innercitypress.com/sdny1castelpiv…
Reynoso: Yes. It must be part of the records.
Tein: You don't mean in this case, do you?
Reynoso: No, back in Honduras.
Tein: so you gave some to SDNY, and some not?
Reynoso: No.
Tein: Have you seen a report in this case that actually lists the denominations of the money you seized?
Reynoso: I don't know. I don't remember.
Reynoso: We did [nosotros].
Tein: Did you yourself bring the tools? Did you arrive in one car or two? Who did you drive with? I'm not asking you to name him.
Reynoso: I drove with my colleague.
Tein: I have more questions.
Reynoso: Right.
Re-direct by AUSA: Did the name Tony Hernandez stand out to you during your review?
Reynoso: Yes. The case of Tony Hernandez was well known.
No further Qs
Witness says Tony H urged him to give $40,000 to brother Orlando's campaign in order get info on trafficking coke
Witness: Yes.
AUSA: Please publish it for the jury. Sir, have you ever seen a kilo of cocaine marked with the "T.H." stamp?
Witness: Si
Witness: It is the Guatemalan Jose Manuel [a/k/a] Che.
Witness: Yes.
AUSA: How much did you pay?
Witness: $5000.
Witness: There is a Honduran military base.
AUSA: Did you pay them bribes?
Witness: Yes. So they would keep me informed whether I could bring my cocaine shipment in.