What is the obligation of health professionals, individually and as a community, in the face of climate emergency?
Here are my thoughts:
Do you understand climate emergency?
Do you know the health implications?
@ClimateHealthCx has this AWESOME physician guide. Check it out.
2/ climatehealthconnect.org/wp-content/upl…
But it can't stop there. We must also act beyond the clinical encounter. We already have public health obligations e.g. reporting infections or abuse. 3/
First, join these *awesome* groups that are changing the narrative and building the power to confront climate emergency:
There are a ton out there, but here's a few medical ones I've seen (please share more!):
Each of us must have the *initiative* to lead and organize as we can.
– Educate others (e.g. host a Grand Rounds on climate emergency and what @DoctorsXr is doing)
– Lobby your professional society to declare an emergency.
– Organize health workers in white coats and scrubs to attend actions. 7/
Before that was a civil disobedience action and a letter campaign that engaged 1700 health professionals.
Want to organize something similar? They're organizing globally. DM me to connect. 8/

For now, do you know health workers or students in primary states? 9/
– The health professional voice has power
– It's weak when it's just a few professional leaders or environmental health experts
– We all must act and lead as we're able to, and prompt our peers to do the same

Are you one?
I’d like to connect, please help! DMs open.