The deer appealed to the State for protection. State said wolves are a minority, *they* will be protected.
Losing numbers, the deer decided to band together for protection.
But the bards had become corrupted. The wolves offered them a share of their deer kill.
Fascists said the bards, the deer are majoritarian fascists.
The bards were getting less meat. You used to be such gentle creature said the bards. Remember your deer nature. Don't let the fascists corrupt it.
It's just the news cycle said the bards. Wolf eats deer is no news, it is their nature. But when deer kill a wolf, that is news. Don't blame us.
Be good deer, said the bards. Don't be bad like the guardian deer. That will solve all your problems.
As bards shouted “lynching” the State also started acting against the guardian deer. Soon there was no one to protect the deer.
As only a few deer were left they appealed to the State. We are the minority now, please protect us.
Minority is based on entire forest said the State. Wolves are still a minority who need protection.
The bards were silent.
But the wolves got hungry again and there were no more deer. So they started attacking the bards.
One the verge of death, one bard let out a plaintive cry, we helped you all this time, now you attack us?
We are just acting per our nature, said the wolf, as he slit the bard’s neck.