23yrs old Dr Neha Alamgir sk was travelling pillion towards thane at 11pm for her marriage shopping, her scooty bumped big pothole, truck crushed her!
लग्नाच्या खरेदीसाठी गेलेल्या डॉक्टर तरुणीचा खड्ड्यांनी घेतला बळी marathi.hindustantimes.com/mumbai/story-2…
This time again at Bhiwandi where all Corporators/MLAs r busy with election Rallies but the Road condition still worst even after monsoon has passed with almost 3deaths at bhiwandi since 6th July 19 & so many injuries
But stil no road repair work seen

She was about to get married next month, & met with accident because of potholes on road,
Its only because of careless attitude of authorities that took her life
@htTweets @SachinKalbag @HTMarathi @MumbaiLiveNews @rajtoday @AshwiniBhide

Getting work done being in opposition or power , all is matters is happy & safisfied public , blaming Is easy, working is big task ! @Danto @UCF8983506000
Her parents distributed mariage invitation card too
Their dreams r shattered now,
Locals protested n closed toll naka,
Demand for #GoodRoads
No road development in bhiwandi since last 50yrs its pathetic condition
@saharzaman @CNNnews18
Audit of road budget of last 10yrs with death no. Should b taken in account & road engineers should b held responsible & fined, penalised for all loss of life,
Pothole itself is crime!
#Bhiwandi Wada
So much bad road & so many people tweeted n complained but it never repaired, as it never take seriously, mantris travell in SUV they don't bother, common people only suffers!
Who is responsible for this now?
Because of bad road this accident happened she lost life...
@QuintHindi @BBCHindi @TimesNowHindi @ZeeNewsHindi
23yr old Dr Neha lost her life because of #KillerPotholes
Local said this bad road has taken many lifes this year,
Stagged protest & closed tollBooth too
Pothole claims life of woman doctor in Maharashtra - @IndiaToday

23yrs Old Dr Neha Alamgir was about to get married next mth, her parents dreams shattered couldn't see it,
Despite of so many deaths this road is never repaired...
@pothole_raja @manojkwadhwa @HTMumbai @fayedsouza
Local Road engineer, contractor, corporator should b held responsible & liable for all accidents because of bad roads / Potholes
All citizens need to get unite & demand together for good roads #ConcreteRoads
@SachinKalbag @vinodkapri
@itsenufapp @GitaSKapoor

#Bhiwandi Wada road is totally worst condition bikes suffers lot
A pothole again took life of this 23yr old neha alangir sk om 9oct2019 while travelling with his brother, she felled.n got run over by a trailer, driver absconding, @Z_P_Special @szaveri71

Pothole killed 23yr old dr neha alamgir sk on 9oct2019 @KapilSharmaK9 @sudhirchaudhary @FullyAmbernath @SwachhBharatGov @CMOMaharashtra @PMOIndia