Oct 10th 2019, 62 tweets, 6 min read
Here are some links to the stream. I don't plan on live tweeting this rally. However, if that changes or there is something important said. I'll tweet it in this thread.

Rally will start in about 10 mins. Watching the rsbn link. Place looks packed. Crowd has dragon energy, They are doing the wave😂😂 Should be fun.
Eric Trump now on stage introducing his father.
Something must be going on. Maybe something with Turkey. Trump is in the building. They sent our Eric to talk to the crowd and delay a bit longer.

Now VP Pence and 2nd last on stage.
This crowd is fired up. VP is giving a good speech.
Trump now on stage ...
Trump talking about making a deal with China. Says things are going well.
Trump is going off on the corrupt ruling elites.

In America the people rule the swamp will fail.
19 minutes after taking oath of office. Washington Post said impeachment campaign has began.
Lol Trump....making fun of Peter and Lisa lovers....
Trump is taking no prisoners tonight.
On fire, he is.
The transcript was so good that that crooked Adam Schiff had to make up a fake conversation that never happened and he delivered it to congress and the American people a d then Nancy said she thought the president said that. These people are sick...
They never thought in a million years I would release the transcript.
This is not the Trump the press expected tonight.
Trump now reading the part of the letter his lawyer sent to the house telling the Dems to GFT
Democrats are making an attempt to save sleepy Joe. Who is totally owned and controlled by the swamp.

Press won't write about it.
Trump as an idea for a new t-shirt.

"Where's Hunter"
God this rally is fantastic. If you aren't watching it, get to a TV.
Hunter you are a loser ..why did you get $1.5 billion and your father was never considered smart nor a good senator. He was only considered a good VP because he understood how to kiss Obama's ass. 😂😂😂😂🤗🤗🤗 It's true, it's true...
Without evidence my ass. It's 100% fact. In so many words.
The Biden's got rich while America for robbed. Biden sold out America.
Trump brings up breaking news that Biden worked with whistleblower.
Trump: it's it so much better when I go off script. 😂😂

Trump is fed up tonight.
Pelosi is either really stupid, or she really list it, or she is dishonest.

Washington is so rigged.
Damn it, Trump sucked me in to tweeting this rally again.....
The media and Dems destroyed great people, so many lives and they are continuing to do it and it's a disgrace.

When all their hoaxes have been exposed they try to impeach you for exposing their Corruption.
Chants of Donald. Donald Donald after Trump says no one calls him Donald anymore😂😂

No more than 16 more years...😂😂
Who is the toughest nation to deal with....its the USA...because we are dealing with some very sick and deranged people. The establishment hates him because they can't control him. He doesn't answer to them he answers to the people.

He gives away his paycheck.
The press never reports it. But if someone stays at his hotel for $350/night they say he is getting rich off the nation.

It's crazy.

Nothing makes him happier then to straighten out this mess these people have created.
Trump now talking about Omar...she said some people did something....Omar has a history of anti Jewish statements.

How do you have such a person representing MN in DC. She is a disgrace. And one reason he is going to win MN.
Everything about Omar is a fraud even her name.
What AoC has gotten away with campaign fiance is worse and nothing happens to them. The fact is we are Ina struggle for democracy in American. The only message they will understand is a crushing defeat on Nov 3rd 2020.
Trump introducing congress critters and senators now. Tom cotton is at rally.
He is really attacking the media tonight. Talking about the difference between electoral college and popular vote. They are two different races.
Trump we need another 4 years so the policies can take hold so the Dems can't destroy it all.
Trump points to the media...these people are sick...
Trump has a way of connecting with the audience. They will always be our little boys and our little girls speaking as one parent to another. Amazing really.
Trump endorses Jason Lewis for MN Senate seat.
Trump calling out fox news hosts that have been good to him....look I'm just rattling some names off...while explaining how he saw cops for Trump on fox and friends. And was talking about the crappy mayor.
Trump tqlki g about his love for law enforcement. Invites Bob Knoll (cops for Trump) on to the stage. A long line of cops come up and shake Trump's hands. Crowd goes nuts...
Says he thinks the mayor made a mistake when he took on the cops. Talks about the refugees that Obama forced on them he has reduced refugees resettlement by 85%. No refugees will be settled in any city or state without consent of that city and state. It's an EO.
Oh the left won't like that.

Thanks President of Mexico. 27,000 Mexico soldiers protecting our border.

Travel ban in force.
Those that wish to join our society must love our people.
Talking about immigrantion now. Talking about the Wall. Had every Dem and rhino in DC fighting him on the wall. But that sucker going up and it's the finest and tallest wall ever...
One hour and 15 in and Trump is still going strong.

Ending the endless wars.

Totally Defeated ISIS

Rebuilt military.
But we want to fight only when it will benefit our country and only fight to win.

Turkey is now figjting the Kurds. We get along with the Kurds, Turkey is a NATO ally.

So we have three choices.
Hardest thing he has to do is write letters to families of dead soldiers.

Hardest thing for a parent is to get that notification.
Trump is talking about going to Dover to met the dead. The families fall a part when they see the coffin.

This a powerful speech bringing home the cost of war.
The entire arena is quiet you could hear a pin drop.
It's time to bring home our soldiers....it's time to bring them home.

We have done our job. We defeated everyone we were suppose to defeat. We are now policing.
Now talking about visiting Walter Reed and giving purple hearts to wounded soldiers. Crowd is still silent. Hanging on every word. Trump lightened the mood with a small bit of humor then goes back to serious. Gives a shout out to the great doctors at Walter Reed.
So we have three choices. We could send in 1000 soldiers, crash Turkey's economy or help negotiate a cease fire. He likes third option.

Europe won't take the ISIS prisoner that are their soldiers.
These wars only produce chaos. Single biggest mistake the country ever made was going into the quicksand of the middle east. Spent 8 trillion. No more regime change. Christian community have been hit hard in the power vacuum there.
He rebuilt our military...now it's time to rebuilt our country.

Talking about USMCA.. says hope Pelosi can start thinking about passing things instead of nonsense.
Iron range back in business. Obama took away their livelihood. He gave it back.

He will protect Medicare. , Private healthcare, preexisting conditions.

Dems support late term abortions. He is fighting for the unborn.
He is going into the final part of the speech I think. Explaining what the Dems are for, what gop is for. How the gop will help Americans if elected.

More trade deals, less poverty, new breakthrough in science and healthcare.
In God we trust.
Going to keep on winning winning winning.

One people one family one nation under God.
The best is yet to comes.

Chants of 4 more years break out.
Okay he is wrapping it up.

We will make America great again

Speech was about 1 hour and 40 long. Very good rally. Very very good. Watch the whole thing if you can.
Thanks to all who followed along on the thread tonight. I enjoyed your input. Don't forget. Trump has another rally tomorrow in Louisiana.
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