Looks like the hashtag for tonight is #FATFshouldBlacklistPakistan!
Well, let me share some thoughts on it since apparently I don't have anything better to do this evening!
Let me start this thread with some 'humour'.
I haven't tweeted this pic in a long time.
I caption it - 'Love your neighbour .. Lest he blow you up!'
Don't miss the photo of their patron saint in the pic!

Close to a decade since Osama bin Laden was traced and killed in Pakistan, being hosted by the Pak Army.
Yet the only person arrested so far in the aftermath is the doctor who actually HELPED CAPTURE HIM!

Heck, even sheep are not safe from Pakistanis!
If not for human victims, then for these helpless and voiceless ones, #FATFshouldBlacklistPakistan

Pak intel agencies from Bannu Cantonment issue official permits to known terrorists to carry weapons all across country for terror activities.
Terrorists have special passes & permits for non custom paid vehicle illegal weapons!
Truly a haven, this!

Forget victims outside their borders, just ask Bangladesh about the terror unleashed upon them when they were East Pakistan.

Time to lighten up the TL yet again!
Here's a candid from the Land of the Pure - Talibani Fashion Show!

From some years ago: Pakistan Foreign Ministry - Pakistan does not allow use of its territory against any country. American terrorism analyst Bill Rogio responds with this graphic!

While some evolved from Neanderthals to modern day humans, their neighbours chose to become Gorillas instead!
But jokes apart, threatening terror is second nature to quite a few out there.

Yup, on connections whatsoever!
The dead American soldiers and civilians in Afghanistan might beg to differ, though.

From the 1965 war - when your army is prone to running away from every battle, you rely upon terrorists to 'liberate' coveted lands!
Same template used in 1947-48 and 1999 as well.

Even though they will, in all probability, vote for NOT blacklisting Pakistan, they too know what happens out there!

A dastardly terror attack, owned up by a local outfit.
But no introspection needed when such a convenient enemy is available.
This poster in the funeral prayer for the children says 'The blood of children will result in fall of India, US, Israel'

This is an interesting, and really well made video.
Kudos to whoever did it!
Worth a watch!
This is the sad reality of a state that justifies export of terror as state policy.

Carrying on from tweet number 4 in this thread, ghar ki murgi ko bhi terrorize kar rakha hai, woh bhi inke bachchon ne!

1947 -Armed Tribesmen in Peshawar, waiting to Fight in Indian Kashmir (Photo & Description- Margaret Bourke-White)
Terror exporters since their very birth.
These 'liberators' brutalized and raped Baramula, Muzaffarabad, Rajauri, Kotli, Mirpur ..

At the end of #MumbaiAttacks on 26/11, Karachi control room wore a celebratory look: Abu Jundal
Be afraid, London, thanks to the large Pakistani diaspora that you are 'blessed' with.