I love to provide structure for my learners. A couple years ago I adopted a set of rules for rounds and ward teams. These continue to evolve.
I share them on day 1, and refer back to them frequently while on service.
#TeamRules #MedEd
What are your #teamrules?
Always always put the disease and number into context for that specific patient. And get to know the patient.
It’s good medicine, and makes the job so much more interesting.
#SDOH #IllnessInContext #EBM
Come prepared and we will get the work done together
Stick with the 4 Ds - decompensated, discharges, diagnostic dilemmas, the C Diff patients last. Stop wherever we are at 11:30 and finish running the list.
HT @thecurbsiders ep157
At end of rounds we all share one win for the day. A moment, an interaction, an accomplishment, something learned - just has to be positive!
As a team it lifts everyone up.
An academic hospital is busy and moves at a fast pace. Stories change and evolve. Every service has something to offer. Be generous in your assumptions.
Talk to your nurses every day! They have so much valuable insight. And, empower them to use their skills.
Same can be said for our case managers, PT/OT, pharmacists, etc
#NurseTwitter #TeamCare
My equivalent of the rules of house of God, or a variant of @medicalaxioms or @MKIttlesonMD rules.
What are your #TeamRules?
@gradydoctor @cjchiu @alvinseattle @ShreyaTrivediMD @UtahIMCMRs @drjenniferbest @tony_breu