We're running a game with a scenario focused around a group that decided to play a game in honor of a friend who passed away.
The plan of the master is to resurrect him in the realm of die.
@kierongillen are you interested in feedback?

The emigrated working in tech got the neo, and chose a very robotic-like body
We got sucked into die and the master threw a cheat token on the table (a black rose) to teleport
"we can't kill Mario again" said the master"
"in this place we can erase all our mistakes" said the fool, clearly swayed
"this place isn't real, I have a son" said the dictator
"don't you want your ex wife to crawl back to you, knight?"
"well actually I'm kinda over her now"
"don't you want the knight to love you, fool? I can make that happen"
The knight went like "what"
The knight asked to the master "if I stay... Can I change weapon?"
But of course, said the master, and used a cheat token. The knight became an admiration knight.
The neo went close to the wounded dictator. "we can't win" and stabbed her and helself.
The neo was forgotten in the real world. People moved on way too quickly. She wasn't missed.