We've been wearing out our shoes.
And in order to scale, our data team just launched a game-changing voter registration tool:
1. Head to julieoliver.org/vr.
2. Hover over a precinct to see how many unregistered Democrats have recently moved into that precinct.
3. Chip in.
4. Forms go in the mail with pre-paid return envelopes.
5. We track completion & our team follows up.

Our so-called VDR law, which means you have to be deputized in every one of Texas' 254 counties you're registering voters, is straight out of Jim Crow.
In the process, they flipped 3 GOP-held Texas House seats.
Now we're leveraging that technology at julieoliver.org/vr.
We need Automatic Voter Registration, to outlaw racist anti-voting laws & gerrymandering, and to get our democracy back.

The mechanism by which that happens is our Constitutional right to vote.
Whenever you get a driver’s license, enroll in classes at a public university, or apply for benefits like Social Security, you're automatically registered to vote, unless you opt out.
We owe them. Let's fight like hell to protect our democracy from attacks from within and without.
Help us ensure that we're able to reach those who are traditionally underserved.
Let's bring everyone in.