With inventions touching daily life to the most complex academic discourses, Indian were among the world’s greatest innovators.
A #thread on India’s 🇮🇳 contributions from the past!

👉any number can be written
👉any computation can be solved
He taught us how to write forty, four hundred & four thousands using zeroes in right places in simpler terms.

👉Brahmagupta was the first to give rules to compute with zero & negative numbers
These two Indian mathematicians had changed the way mathematics would be handled going forward.

5000 years ago, the people of the Indus valley were already accomplished textile workers.
The earliest references to Indian cotton are found in the Rig-Veda.

Q: So where did the idea of perpetual motion come from?
A: India, of course 🇮🇳
☸️The first wheel had hollow spokes half filled with mercury.
☸️The second wheel has a narrow channel in the rim, half filled with mercury and half filled with water.
The stimulus provided by this idea sparked a huge amount of thinking about the nature of mechanical power 🚂🚂
👏Wide, flat main roads to allow wheeled transport
👏Sophisticated drainage system
👏Wells & canals to provide fresh water
🛣️Secondary streets linked the housing to the main roads
🏘️Houses had bathrooms and lavatories, linked by covered drains to an underground sewerage system
🏘️Lower town has building to support business activities