Are you ready for this?
Read this statistical research from Adam Berliant, based on LIKELY VOTERS.
(Data sources at the end)
I know this is a lot to absorb, but I really hope you’ll read it.
The demographic MOST likely to say “my voting depends on the nominee” is also LEAST supportive of him. This makes Biden the worst choice out of the top 3. For favorability, Sanders ranks 1st among Dems (75%), Biden 2nd (71%), and Warren 3rd (61%).
The problem with Sanders is the same as Biden, in reverse. If ONLY 18 to 30 yos voted, it would be Sanders in a landslide. Young Dems are 30% more likely to vote for Sanders over Warren (and 245% more likely to vote for Sanders over Biden).
She’s not as favored by young voters as Sanders, but is well liked. She’s the 2nd choice for 75% of voters <30 (Pew). And not as favored among older voters as Biden, but she’s the clear 2nd choice with almost double the favorability of Sanders and the rest.
If we end up with either Bernie or Biden on the ticket, we’re going to screw this up. Start shouting EW! I know I will be.