People who have regularly spoken out - truthfully and factually - about the persecution of Julian Assange.
Companion to #TeamAssange thread (seen here: )
UN Special Rapporteur on Privacy
Mr Cannataci met with Assange 25 Apr 2019 in Belmarsh prison, but no report has yet been forthcoming (probably because the Spanish criminal case is still in process).
(16 Apr 2019)
UN Special Rapporteur - Freedom of Expression
Responsibility for leaking is "exclusively of the person [making] the leak & not the media that publish it. [This is how] corruption has been confronted in many cases."… (9 Dec 2010)
UN Special Rapporteur - Freedom of Expression
The NYT problem: "is the key [reason] prosecuting Assange would be so dangerously problematic from the perspective of press freedom, & why it should be strongly opposed."
(16 Nov 2018)
Former UN Independent Expert
Assange’s arrest was “a juridical aberration and a grave violation of the refugee convention.”… (12 Apr 2019)
(14 June 2019)
UN Special Rapporteur on arbitrary, summary or extrajudicial killings
Ecuador's decision [revoking asylum] "has exposed Mr Assange to a real risk of serious violations of his human rights" [re US extradition]… (11 Apr 2019)
"The deprivation of liberty of Mr Assange is arbitrary & in contravention of articles 9 & 10 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and articles [listed] of the International Covenant on Civil & Political Rights."… (22 Jan 2016)
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
"Human rights law, the treaty body law is binding law, it is not discretionary law, it is not some passing fancy that a state can apply sometimes and not in the others."… (9 Feb 2016)
“The Working Group on Arbitrary Detention is deeply concerned about [Assange's conviction for bail offence] including the disproportionate sentence imposed on Mr. Assange ..."… (3 May 2019)
FROM: 19 June 2012 (Julian sought asylum)
TO: 28 March 2018 (Julian gagged by Moreno govt)
Ecuador’s Minister of Foreign Affairs at the time Julian Assange sought asylum
Interview: Patiño believes @Lenin Moreno sold out #JulianAssange to the US (via the UK) and alleges US "blackmailed" Moreno.
(24 Oct 2019)
Former Foreign Minister of Ecuador
On why Ecuador gave Julian Assange asylum:
(19 June 2016)
Diplomat at the Ecuadorian Embassy 2010-2018
Debunks 40 of CNN’s smears against Julian Assange - in his own words:
"A political refugee in not an inmate, and an embassy is not a prison."… (20 Aug 2019)
Ex-President of Ecuador (who gave Assange asylum)
"[The killing of Che Guevara] was like the case of Julian Assange. They chase the ones who discovered the #WarCrimes but not the ones who committed them."
(9 Oct 2019)
These are some of the people fighting those battles.
UK solicitor extraordinaire
(Ex journalist who worked in the US following the MLK campaign - see
VIDEO:… (1 Nov 2011)
- @NilsMelzer
On the occasion of the International Day in Support of Torture Victims, 26 June 2019…
UK barrister
Specialist in extradition & mutual assistance, international law & criminal EU law. Co-author of "Abuse of Process in Criminal Proceedings"…
![](… (5 Aug 2014)
AU and UK lawyer & barrister
With Doughty Street Chambers in London. Also an adjunct lecturer in Law at the University of Sydney Law School. Has argued many Human Rights and #FreePress cases.
(14 Aug 2019)
AU barrister
Specialises in criminal law and administrative law. National past president of the Australian Lawyers Alliance and current spokesperson on asylum seekers, criminal justice and human rights.
(28 Apr 2012)
ES Jurist
Spanish former judge. Served on Spain's central criminal court, the Audiencia Nacional, examining magistrate of the Juzgado Central de Instrucción No. 5 (investigates most important criminal cases). Tried to extradite Pinochet.…
EC Abogado
Ecuadorian lawyer. Litigation re Moreno govt treatment of Assange. Presented a formal complaint over alleged espionage carried out on Assange while in the Ecuadorian embassy.
(19 Jan 2019)
(29 Apr 2019)
SE advokat
Swedish lawyer. Specialises in criminal cases, with special focus on eco-crime. Handles the Swedish allegations. Prosecutors have still not moved beyond preliminary investigation - after almost 9 years.
(3 June 2019)
US attorney
Specifically named by Assange as a trusted US lawyer,
civil rights attorney Margaret Ratner Kunstler has spent her career providing movement support and protecting the rights of activists.
(30 Mar 2017)
AU lawyer
International criminal lawyer, based in The Hague. Helped set up (2006) the ICC's public defence counsel. In 2016, Taylor led Assange's case before the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (UNWGAD).
(16 Nov 2017)
He also SPECIFIED who to trust - his lawyers, Courage, key Ecuador people (of the time) & "publicly associated close friends."
(10 Jan 2017)
Assange specifically named two people (in this group) as people who could be trusted to always tell the truth.
The first was John Pilger, the legendary journalist & film-maker.
(14 June 2017) &…
Survivor of US extradition warrant case.… (extradition to US refused by UK High Court 2018)
The second person named by Julian as a trusted friend was Lauri Love.
(19 June 2018)
Editor in Chief of @wikileaks
After 6 mths of being gagged, Julian Assange appointed Kristinn Hrafnsson to be Editor in Chief, while continuing as publisher himself.… (27 Sept 2018)
(14 Apr 2019)
@wikileaks does not publicise names (safety reasons) but some are fairly public:
- Renata Avila @avilarenata
- Angel Richter @AngelaRichter_
- Sarah Harrison… (2015)
Also Hanna Jonasson @AssangeLegal…
Medical doctor
Dr Love has advocated for Assange’s health, reminding people that "everyone is entitled to fundamental human rights, including the rights to privacy & access to health care, under international law."… (Oct 2019)
It probably helped her empathise with #JulianAssange.
(6 July 2012)
What follows is deduction (not inside knowledge).
I have used as a guide Julian's express declarations of friendship and/or multiple documented visits inside the embassy - Julian's one luxury was that he didn't have to accept visitors.
Historian, Former Ambassador, Human Rights Activist
Staunch friend and advocate:
2019 Oct 22: "Assange in Court"…
2018 June 19: "Assange is the greatest editor & publisher of our time"
Philosopher, psychoanalyst and cultural commentator
2011 Jul 2: Frontline club conversation
2019 Jun 30: "On Julian Assange and why you should care"
Iconic Baywatch actress & animal activist
2018 Nov 12: Puts AU PM to shame:
2019 May 7: At Belmarsh prison…
2019 Sep 11: Panel discussion (in US) of Pamela on "The View"
Former UK MP, broadcaster and writer
2019 June 6: On "Imperialism on Trial"
2019 July 2: Interview…
2019 Sep 16: With Julian's father
Author and human rights & environmental activist
2019 May 19: Interview…
2015 Nov 28: On Julian in the embassy…
Philosopher, cognitive scientist, historian, political activist
2012 May 14: "@wikileaks is a service to the population. [Assange] should get an award - the Presidential Medal of Honor."
2014 Nov 26: Visit to embassy…
Ex-Argentine Ambassador to UK
Castro describes Julian's life at the embassy as she saw it on many visits over the years 2012 to 2016:
2019 Apr 14: "Mi Amigo [My Friend] Julian Assange"
Pentagon Papers Whistleblower
2010 Jun 3: First "meeting"
2013 Apr 9: Accepts Peoples Choice Award for Julian
2019 Apr 11: ARREST: "Beginning of the End For Press Freedom"
Veteran Australian broadcaster
2011 May 11: Presented the Sydney Peace Medal to Julian for leadership, courage & tenacity in journalism & publishing
2019 Aug 8: On "Assange & the Culture of Revenge"
Co- Editor of "In Defense of Julian Assange" (2019).
Buy at…
Co-founder of Pink Floyd.
Staunch friend and advocate.
2019 Sep 2: Sings for Julian outside the Home Office (London). Boycotted by the mainstream media.…
2019 Oct 26: Interview:
MBE. English musician & singer-songwriter
2014 Jan 2: As BBC4 guest editor she invited Julian Assange to provide the "Thought for the Day."
BBC:… (2:57:38)
Part of several European events for Assange.
Croatian philosopher, author and political activist. Co-founder of @DiEM_25
2016 June 23: Part of the "Brexit Livestream" at the embassy
2018 Nov 25: What Happens If Julian Assange Is Tried in the US?…
2016 June 26: Night of the Brexit Vote
Julian Assange (& @EmbassyCat) hosts 7 hours of live conversations about what Brexit means - as the vote takes place.
So ... "Obviously not a journalist"
US Journalist, host of @democracynow
2011 July 2: Moderator Frontline Club debate - Assange & Žižek
2012 May 31: US vendetta against WikiLeaks…
2015 May 25: Pre-charge punishment of Assange…
AU Barrister QC
2011 Mar 16: in "Breaking Australia's silence: WikiLeaks & freedom”…
2018 April 12: On his gagging…
2018 July 31: "The AU Government can save Julian Assange"…
Singer & artist
2016 June 19: Quoting Julian: "Wikileaks was formed as an act of love"
2017 May 15: Early signatory to Open Letter to @POTUS…
2018 June 9: Inspiring street art in Melbourne:
Ex AU Senator
2012 May 30: Statement…
2012 Jun 19: "The AU govt's response ... absolutely feeble."
Assange on Ludlam: "Scott – TY for your courage, perseverance & generosity ..."…
Journalist, co-founder of the Intercept
2017 April 19: Podcast…
2019 May 24: "This is not just about press freedom. This is about a democratic society & a major frontal assault on our basic liberties & free speech."…
British TV & independent film director
2010: Loach helped put up (& lost) £240,000 ($376,000) in bail money - "The US is out to crush someone who has revealed its dirty secrets."…
2015 Dec: Statement…
UK Fashion designer
2016: Visited Assange in the Embassy regularly.
"He knows more about what's going on in the world than anybody I've ever met. He's incredible."…
2019 Sep 11: Visit to Belmarsh…
Journalist & founder of the @frontlineclub
2010 Provided a home for Assange during his 16 mths on bail (before being granted asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy).
2016 Nov 15: On UK & Swedish prosecution services: "politically toxic."…
Former CIA officer, member of VIPS
2018 Jul 14: Poem for Julian
2018 Nov 20: He "deserves Medal of Freedom, not a secret indictment."
2019 Apr 11: "Sad day for the rule of law."…
Greek economist, academic, philosopher & politician, co-founder @DiEM_25
2016 June 19: EVENT 'First they came for Assange' (21:45)
2019 Apr 11: "The game is up."
UK rapper, singer, songwriter, producer, visual artist, & activist
2013 Nov: Assange Opens M.I.A.’s NY Show…!
2019 Oct 12: Outside Belmarsh Prison
2019 Nov 5: Outside the London Home Office
Journalist @TheIntercept
2010 Dec 24: "What WikiLeaks revealed in 2010"…
2018 Dec 18: Called out @Guardian for Manafort #fakenews
2019 Oct 21: US fake concern for Human Rights
Julian Assange has many friends - some in the limelight and others behind the scenes. This is not an exhaustive list, but it will give people who don't know him a good idea of who to listen to closely when they speak out on his behalf.
"You can't be neutral on a moving train."
Describing UK contempt for human rights, she concurs:
"The world is already moving in certain directions. To be neutral, to be passive, is to collaborate with what is going on."
Journalists and other commentators
with a good factual track record
re #JulianAssange &
The HEALTH and LEGAL situation
of #JulianAssange
from his legal team (and other key people):…