, 206 tweets, 244 min read Read on Twitter
1. Assange a true HERO. The Siege & Injustice with Julian Assange
2. Assange a true HERO. The Siege & Injustice with Julian Assange
3. Assange a true HERO. The Siege & Injustice with Julian Assange
4. Assange a true HERO. The Siege & Injustice with Julian Assange
5. Assange a true HERO. The Siege & Injustice with Julian Assange
6. Assange a true HERO. The Siege & Injustice with Julian Assange
By @PressTV
Ecuadorian diplomat says #Assange never disrespected #London embassy staff ptv.io/2iwG
By @telesurenglish
#Ecuador | Who is @RicardoPatinoEC, and why is the Ecuadorean government after him now?
#RafaelCorrea #LeninMoreno #Lawfare
By @telesurenglish
Ecuador's @RicardoPatinoEC spoke out about the detention order against him, that he calls a political persecution, for his opposition to Lenin Moreno's government
By @CarlaGteleSUR
What could be the future of Julian Assange after his arrest at Ecuador's London embassy? We talked to Carlos Poveda, lawyer and member of Assange's legal team.
@telesurenglish @wikileaks #InterviewsFromQuito
Horse-mounted Julian Assange ‘joins’ Yellow Vest protesters in Toulouse (PHOTO, VIDEO) — RT World News rt.com/news/457115-as…
ICYMI: Julian Assange doesn’t need to be a great guy to be a free speech...
🗣️I advise everyone to watch this video📹
The US Is Claiming That WikiLeaks Was In Cahoots With The Taliban, Bin Laden
By @JuliaWraith
Wikileaks revealed🇺🇸govt’s cover up of torture,cruelty, killing of civilians, spying on its own citizens & others. It unmasked🇮🇱plans to keep Gaza on the brink of collapse,to use violence against🇵🇸nonviolence, to make war upon civilians.All
By @PressTV
UK one of the worst countries in Western Europe for press freedom: Report ptv.io/2iwL

By @DefendAssange
Vive Assange!Place de la République,Paris
Au pied du monument à la République,le 20 avril,des Gilets jaunes ont suspendu une affiche «Vive Assange» pour exprimer leur soutien au fondateur de Wikileaks.
By @DefendAssange
Interview with Paul Jay,the author of the GoreVidal book Assange was holding as he was violently removed from the embassy on @therealnews:"I think it was deliberate,a message that this is the national security state that has come for him"
Assange Arrested for Exposing U.S. War Crimes - Paul Jay
By @DefendAssange
Guillaume Long, Foreign Minister of Ecuador until May 2017 recommends London consul's interview on Assange on Sky News today
By @tecdcat
>@diari_ara #llengua Assange i el periodisme dlvr.it/R3Bts6
By @DerbyChrisW
Fidel Narvaez who worked at the Ecuadorian embassy between 2010 and 2018 as consul and first secretary refutes the allegations about Julian Assange's behaviour in the embassy.

Solidarity with #JulianAssange

By @wikileaks
President Lenin Moreno, criticised for corruption and betraying a political refugee is now using absurd claims about Assange as a pretext to purge his political opponents.

By @HeikeHaensel
Support in several provinces of #Afghanistan for Julian #Assange “We, the Solidarity Party of🇦🇫express our gratitude for the sacrifice of Julian Assange & other whistle blowers.We stand by Julian, who is the true face of humanity & the true friend of our people!"
By @Unity4J
#Unity4J INTERVIEW by @France24_en ⌛️

François Picard of France 24 talks to Rafael Correa, former President of Ecuador, about #JulianAssange


Transcript: unity4j.com/correa
By @Unity4J
#Unity4J SOLIDARITY via @stranahan⌛️

LS: "I'm starting a #JournalismVigil 4/20 in front of the White Houe to #ProtectJulian

I call on every journalist to join in keeping at least one journalist on vigil in front of the WhiteHouse sunrise to sunset until May 2nd"
By @rosendo_joe
REMINDER that @CIDH ( @IACHumanRights ) officials who sent Moreno a "reminder letter" regarding Assange (a letter Moreno wiped his own ass with) should be asked to RESIGN
By @siguemecuador
All the lies that the corrupt Lenin Moreno said about Assange are erased with this picture of a birthday party at the embassy.Ambassador Narvaez was there until July2018 & said that Assange was respectful & that there was never a problem with him at the embassy.
By @Unity4J
#Unity4J 📹@JacksonFacts23 ⌛️

The Death of Truth:
Episode 2 of the docuseries Life as an Art.

Whistleblowers such as #JulianAssange & #ChelseaManning are true heroes, & we must give them our endless support.

By @DefendAssange
DoJ application to interview Domscheit-Berg in 2017 suggests future charges against Assange relate to unauthorized receipt and dissemination of secret information.

By @DefendAssange
The yellow vests march in France today in solidarity with Julian Assange

#FreeAssange #GiletJaunes #climaterebellion
By @Unity4J

#JulianAssange's latest words played at the 2019 GUE/NGL #Journalism Award ceremony

"Truth Matters! Award for Journalists, #Whistleblowers & Defenders of the Right to Information."

By @DefendAssange
LIBÉREZ ASSANGE ! - Les Reportages de @VincLapierre

Excellent report does voxpop on the streets of France on the significance of #Assange's arrest.

Incredible support from the people of France.


By @SEP_Australia
“Workers have to watch what we say on Facebook because we are told we can’t‘defame’the company,no matter how bad the conditions are.We have to defend freedom of speech;that’s why I’m against the jailing of Assange.”
By @AssangeMrs
2 weeks since Julian arrest/detention in Belmarsh prison
Hes still not allowed visitors,including his lawyers!
This amounts to MORE solitary confinement & stress!
His examining doctors have already stated he needs immediate hospital treatment!
Fix this @Theresa_May
By @PopResistance
Why are there even charges against #Assange if Attorney General Barr believes he is innocent of espionage & calls @wikileaks “publishers”?
Who is behind the prosecution of Assange? Look towards the CIA & Deep State for that.
By @wikileaks
Mar 19
Almost nine years after @WikiLeaks' "Collateral Murder", new film documents combat in Afghanistan
From Jesus Christ to Julian Assange: When Dissidents Become Enemies of the State counterpunch.org/2019/04/19/fro…
Why Julian Assange’s Extradition Must Be Opposed at All Costs counterpunch.org/2019/04/12/why…
Free Julian Assange! Stand Up for Press Freedom! counterpunch.org/2019/04/12/fre…
Calling Assange a Narcissist Misses the Point counterpunch.org/2019/04/15/cal…
Punishing the Past, Impeding the Future: the Arrest of Assange counterpunch.org/2019/04/15/pun…
Free Julian Assange and All Political Prisoners counterpunch.org/2019/04/11/fre…
"That this outrage happened in the heart of London, in the land of Magna Carta, ought to shame & anger all who fear for“democratic”societies. Assange is a political refugee protected by international law..."

The Assange Arrest is a Warning From History
Julian Assange Should Be Thanked – Not Smeared – for Wikileaks’ Service to Journalism shar.es/amBK0P
Freedom of the Press in Britain: Imprisoning Julian Assange, Arrest of Journalists in Northern Ireland shar.es/amBK3s
The Trump Regime Secretly Indicts Assange for the Crime of Truth-Telling shar.es/amBKb1
WikiLeaks’ Publication of the Collateral Murder Video, Afghanistan and Iraq Docs, US Diplomatic Cables: Why Assange’s Extradition Must be Opposed at All Cost shar.es/amBKoj
Assange’s Arrest Criminalizes Truth-Telling Journalism shar.es/amBKfa
The Assange Arrest: You Have the Right to Remain Silent
The arrest of Julian Assange was an act of revenge by the US government that strikes at the heart of journalism, writes Pepe Escobar.
Julian Assange is a hero. He defied the globalizing...of FascistRepression to expose the WarCriminals in our midst. Now, the same WarCriminals & TheirAgencies who Commit...WarCrimes as policy have apprehended him.

Assange Should be Lauded & Protected,shar.es/amBKpv
Victor Laszlo: Role Model for Assange, Manning and Snowden shar.es/amBKcO
"Indignation has no limits! Arresting Julian Assange is murdering the truth, murdering Human Rights – & eliminating freedom of speech, let alone freedom of the media."

Julian Assange Arrested – Murdering Human Rights, Freedom of Speech – Murdering Freedom shar.es/amBKht
“Your honour, I represent the U.S. Gover”. The Westminster Magistrates Court had been left with little doubt by the opening words of the legal team marshalled against the face of WikiLeaks.

Delegitimising Journalism: The Effort to Relabel Julian Assange shar.es/amBKjm
"Julian will be prevented from presenting the essential elements of his defense because ‘The🇺🇸Gov doesn’t want a fair fight. In a fair fight, the Gov will lose.
-Bill Simpich-

Defending Julian Assange; Defending the Truth shar.es/amBKw2
RSN | The Julian Assange Case: Revealing War Crimes Is Not a Crime readersupportednews.org/opinion2/277-7…
"If your administration follows through on a promise to prosecute Assange,it will look bad for you.After all, you praised Assange during the presidential campaign after he leaked the DNC trove"
Open Letter to President Trump on the Arrest of Julian Assange shar.es/amBE1s
"Assange is “guilty” of two “cardinal sins”: revealing🇺🇸WarCrimes committed in Iraq & committing the unpardonable sin of publishing the emails of Clinton, Podesta &..."

Julian Assange Is Guilty Only of Revealing the Evil Soul of🇺🇸 Imperialism shar.es/amBEvM
Julian Assange is the founder of Wikileaks, & as such has been identified as an enemy of the governmental-media-military industrial complex. Sexual allegations were raised against Assange in🇸🇪but he was never charged & the case was closed by Sweden.
"This isn’t just about protecting Assange,the person...But Assange has garnered prominence & this is because he & WikiLeaks had the skill,courage & audacity to bring to light the nefarious deeds of the power structure that it intended to keep in the dark."
"April 11, 2019,brought us a new word for Judas:Moreno—the puppet Pres of🇪🇨who sold Assange to🇺🇸for his 30 pieces of silver.
...arrest of Assange inside the🇪🇨embassy...is the first stage in🇺🇸attempt to criminalize the First Amendment to the🇺🇸Constitution."
"No one who saw Assange dragged to prison could fail to see what the war-mongers, who hate freedom of the press when it exposes their criminal activities, can do to a man..."

A Marriage of Conscience: Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning shar.es/amBEFz
"The very same media that once profited from the publication of the Wikileaks revelations. These media outlets turned their backs on their fellow journalist Assange & have since been at the forefront of attacking him.."
The very same media that once profited from the publication of the Wikileaks revelations,such as @guardian @Telegraph @NewYorkTimes11 @washingtonpost @CNN @FoxNews..Now,turned their backs on their fellow journalist Assange & attacked him. For me, you are💩
.@guardian @Telegraph @NewYorkTimes11 @washingtonpost @CNN @FoxNews you are a puppet, who only writes what your government allows you to write & often even write FAKE NEWS & copy each other.This isn’t doing journalism,that's just pretending. You are trash
"In cahoots with the🇺🇸&🇬🇧hardline🇪🇨President @Lenin Moreno invented phony reasons to rescind Assange’s citizenship & asylum status – agreeing to hand him over to🇬🇧authorities for extradition to the🇺🇸flagrantly violating international law."
"What’s going on against Assange, Manning, & countless other🇺🇸political prisoners is what tyranny is all about, how the🇺🇸,🇬🇧& their imperial partners operate – by their own extrajudicial rules exclusively."
"For seven years, from the moment Julian Assange first sought refuge in the Ecuadorean embassy in London, they have been telling us we were wrong, that we were paranoid conspiracy theorists."
"For 7 years,we have had to listen to a chorus of journalists, politicians & “experts” telling us that Assange was nothing more than a fugitive from justice & that the🇬🇧&🇸🇪legal systems could be relied on to handle his case in full accordance with the law"
"From the moment he sought asylum,Assange was cast as an outlaw.His work as the founder of Wikileaks,a digital platform that for the first time in history gave..a glimpse into the darkest recesses of the most secure vaults in the deepest of Deep States–was erased from the record"
"Assange was reduced from one of the few towering figures of our time – a man who will have a central place in history books, if we as a species live long enough to write those books – to nothing more than a sex pest, and a scruffy bail-skipper."
"The political & media class crafted a narrative of half-truths about the sex charges Assange was under investigation for in🇸🇪.They overlooked the fact that Assange had been allowed to leave🇸🇪by the original investigator, who dropped the charges..."
"They failed to mention that Assange was always willing to be questioned by🇸🇪prosecutors in London,as had occurred in dozens of OtherCases involving extradition proceedings to🇸🇪It was almost as if🇸🇪officials didn’t want to test the evidence TheyClaimed to have in TheirPossession"
"The media & political courtiers endlessly emphasised Assange’s bail violation in the🇬🇧,ignoring the fact that asylum seekers fleeing legal & political persecution don’t usually honour bail conditions imposed by the very state authorites from which they are seeking asylum."
"The political and media establishment ignored the mounting evidence of a secret grand jury in Virginia formulating charges against Assange, and ridiculed Wikileaks.."

After 7 years of deceptions about Assange, the US readies for its first media rendition unz.com/article/after-…
"...concerns that the Swedish case might be cover for a more sinister attempt by the US to extradite Assange and lock him away in a high-security prison, as had happened to whistleblower Chelsea Manning."
"They belittled the 2016 verdict of a panel of United Nations legal scholars that the UK was “arbitrarily detaining” Assange. The media were more interested in the welfare of his cat."
By @wikileaks
Is Julian Assange not a journalist?
Is WikiLeaks not a media organization?
If so it is amazing how many journalism awards have been given to a non-journalist and a non-media organisation.
Julian Assange Wins 2019 EU Journalism Award - go.shr.lc/2KIYzXg
Assange e Wikileaks win the economist new medal award in 2008
Wikileaks & Julian Assange win amnesty new media award 2009
"Today we honor WikiLeaks,& one of its leaders,JulianAssange,for their ingenuity in creating a new highway by which important documentary evidence can make its way, quickly & confidentially,through the ether & into our in-boxes.Long live the Fifth Estate!"
Wikileaks e Julian Assange won The Sam Adams Award for integrity 2010
“for excellent processing of a video of a helicopter attack in Baghdad” & “for his work as a representative for WikiLeaks, an organization that has cooperated with many of the world’s major journalistic entities by publishing important information,”
Julian Assange wins Martha Gellhorn journalism prize theguardian.com/media/2011/jun…
John Pilger: The Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism - Julian Assange and Others onlyinamericablogging.blogspot.com/2011/06/john-p…
WikiLeaks Wins Australian Journalism Award Julian Assange Walkley Nov 27 2011
WalkleyFoundation has awarded whistle-blower Wikileaks its Most OutstandingContribution to Journalism award:“WikiLeaks applied New Technology to penetrate the inner workings of Gov to reveal an avalanche of inconvenient truths in a global publishing coup.”
“shown a courageous & controversial commitment to the finest traditions of journalism:justice through transparency..they have triggered a robust debate inside & outside the media about official secrecy,the public’s right to know,& the future of journalism”
“This year’s winner has shown a courageous & controversial commitment to the finest traditions of journalism:justice through transparency.Its revelations,from the way the War on Terror was being waged..the interference in the domestic affairs of nations..”
WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, accepted the award for the award for the Most Outstanding Contribution to Journalism at the 2011 Walkley Awards. The Australian Walkley Awards are the most prestigious awards for excellence in journalism in Australia.
Wikileaks e Julian Assange won the Voltaire Award for Free Speech (2011)
"WikiLeaks, its publisher and its journalists have won many awards, including:

✅The International Piero Passetti Journalism Prize of the National Union of Italian Journalists (2011)
Wikileaks and their journalists won the 2011 the Jose Couso Press Freedom Award
Wikileaks and their journalists won The Privacy International Hero of Privacy in 2012

WikiLeaks: The Democratization & Commoditization of Secretive Information – Digital Innovation and Transformation
Julian Assange & Wikileaks won the Global Exchange Human Rights People’s Choice Award in 2013
Julian Assange win the Yoko Ono Lennon Courage Award for the Arts in 2013

Yoko Ono Lennon Gives Julian Assange "Courage Award"
“Our public officials have forgotten that they are ultimately accountable to the people who put them in office;that the information they keep in secrecy belongs to all of us.JulianAssange took a courageous step by rightfully returning what belongs to the PublicDomain...-Yoko Ono-
Yoko Ono gives Julian Assange a special award for bravery digitaltrends.com/web/yoko-ono-g…
EdwardSnowden was named joint recipient of the 2013 Brazilian Press Association’s HumanRightsMedal for services to humanity,the RightOfCitizenship& theRight ToInformation.The other awardees were JulianAssange,GlennGreenwald, BradleyManning,the late AaronSwartz & MordechaiVanunu.
Julian Assange win the 2014 Kazakstan Union of Journalists Top Prize

"The KZO Chairman Seyitqazy Mataev said, that the award was given to Assange because WikiLeaks had provided plenty of "interesting" material that was used by journalists in Kazakhstan".
"Julian Assange, Australian journalist,.., became the winner of the Kazakhstan Journalists’ Union prize for his his oustanding efforts in investigative journalism, azh.kz reports."
Edward Snowden honoured with 2014 Swedish human rights award for NSA revelations
Germany: Edward Snowden awarded 2014 Berlin Prize for Civil Courage
Edward Snowden was presented with EPIC’s Champion of Freedom 2014
The SPD says Harrison “exemplifies the pursuit of transparency and its use against escalating surveillance. Sarah Harrison has with her commitment to WikiLeaks...showed great political courage.”
Sarah Harrison acceptance speech for the Willy 2015 Brandt Prize for political courage
Germany: Snowden confidant Sarah Harrison receives prize for 'exceptional political courage'
"In this exclusive interview with Wikileaks Sections Editor, Sarah Harrison, we talk about the case of Julian Assange, the findings of the UN working group on arbitrary detention, national security, international law & how one can support whistleblowers."
WikiLeaks’ Sarah Harrison: Julian Assange Fears Torture At The Hands Of US Gov’t mintpressnews.com/wikileaks-sara…
"The 2016 Lifeboat Foundation Guardian Award has been given to Julian Assange in recognition of his quest to create an open world where the truth is told. He has worked to expose government lies, abuses, corruption, & surveillance."
Julian Assange win the 2012 Big Brother Awards Hero of Privacy

"for his exceptional dedication to the promotion of transparency and public disclosure in the interest of civil society and human rights."
WikiLeaks is cited in more than 47 thousands academic papers and US court filings
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange holds up his 2011 Sydney Peace Prize

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been given a human rights medal for what has been described as "exceptional courage in pursuit of human rights"

Assange awarded courage medal abc.net.au/news/2011-05-1…
Julian Assange win the 2019 Galizia prize for Journalists, Whistleblowers & Defenders of the Right to Information

🗣️Very Important 📹👌🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👌🏼

Julian Assange Wins 2019 GUE/NGL Journalism Award
Julian Assange wins EU journalism award smh.com.au/world/europe/j…
Assange and Wikileaks Should Be Thanked – Not Smeared, Threatened or Censored 21stcenturywire.com/2018/10/22/ass…
It's time for @UN HQ to be moved to another country. US has a history of @hrw abuses, threatens the @IntlCrimCourt, arrests journalists for exposing the truth, applies sanctions as a weapon of war,regime change in several countries...
@ONU @EU_Commission
Standing with Julian Assange counterpunch.org/2018/09/28/sta…
Assange and the Cowardice of Power counterpunch.org/2019/04/18/ass…
Julian Assange and the Fate of Journalism counterpunch.org/2018/08/23/jul…
"Veterans for Peace has issued a press release in support of both Wikileaks founder Julian Assange and former US army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning"

Vets for Peace to Barbara Lee: Support Manning and Assange counterpunch.org/2019/04/19/vet…
"What is it that the critics of Wikileaks are holding against Assange?... Are tens of millions of victims supposed to be forgotten just so that the members of the Western intelligence services & their lackeys could feel safe & protected?"
"The Geneva city parliament has adopted a motion demanding that the Swiss government offer asylum to controversial WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange."

Geneva Politicians Vote to Propose Julian Assange Asylum shar.es/amT7Yc
By @thejuicemedia
The British, Australian, Ecuadorian and US Governments have made an ad about Julian Assange’s arrest and it’s surprisingly honest and informative 🇬🇧🇦🇺🇺🇸🇨🇴 @Wikileaks #JulianAssange

👉 We're on Patreon: patreon.com/TheJuiceMedia
By @Jfurlong333
They´re threatening 2 the entire human being..!! #Julian is not a common being.THE ICON OF DIGITAL ERA IS HEADING THE GLOBAL MOVEMENT: "FREEDOM FOR ALL HUMANITY" @wikileaks
By @wherepond
Julian Assange is incarcerated in🇬🇧's "Guantanamo" prison. His crime was exposing actions of🇺🇸govt, media, Clinton-Democratic machine, Israel & others wanted kept hidden, incl war crimes & torture. bit.ly/2IybvO6
By @wherepond
Do you know why no one trusts🇺🇸-style democracy being exported worldwide? See what Julian Assange is being persecuted for exposing - atrocities committed by Americans at Abu Ghraib, Iraq
By @wherepond
US kills 2 Reuters journalists & 18 civilians in Iraq. Journalist exposes it. They arrest him. That about sums it up. via @Partisangirl ▪ Don't extradite Assange! Sign petition i.diem25.org/en/petitions/1
"Without people such as Assange & Manning,we wouldn’t know:
🇺🇸kills 2 Reuters journalists & 18 civilians in🇮🇶
Torture in Guantanamo
the instructions to🇺🇸embassy in Damascus,as early as 2006, that🇺🇸was determined to overthrow the legitimate government of🇸🇾"
“Let’s cut to the chase. Assange isn’t a🇺🇸citizen,he’s an🇦🇺.WikiLeaks isn’t a🇺🇸-based media organization.If the🇺🇸govt gets Assange extradited, prosecuted & incarcerated,it will legitimize its right to go after anyone,anyhow,anywhere,anytime.”-Pepe Escobar-
🗣️‼️Mainstream media, presstitute media and crazed people ‼️

🗣️‼️It is time to stop spreading FAKE NEWS‼️


🗣️‼️IT IS CLEAR NOW 🤨?‼️
"It's the product of evil, & the evil indictment is a direct assault on the First Amendment to the🇺🇸Constitution. Those who have brought this false charge have violated their oath to protect the Constitution from enemies abroad & at home".
This link to an🇦🇺TV documentary proves, to anyone with a brain watching it, that the rape charges in🇸🇪against Julian Assange are a total construct of ‘the🇺🇸Govt’;a lie;a conspiracy to ensnare Assange & get the🇸🇪Government to allow his extradition to the🇺🇸.
"There is no doubt whatsoever of the injustice & persecution of Assange by the🇺🇸because Assange published details of🇺🇸war crimes & corruption.
If you can’t see through the fog of disinformation & propaganda, you have no idea of the concept of freedom."
"As the wars dragged on,& new ones were launched..&..Congress..were impotent..to expose the Obama/Clinton..’lies..WikiLeaks & JA publicized documents which revealed how the🇺🇸planned,implemented & fabricated HumanitarianWars to"save people"by bombing them!"
"An affidavit unsealed by🇺🇸prosecutors,has underscored the unlawful character of the Trump administration’s request that WikiLeaks founder Assange be extradited to the🇺🇸in the wake of his illegal expulsion from🇪🇨’s London embassy and arrest by the🇬🇧police"
"Assange continues to Ripple&Roam as a CipherThrough the Political&Media scape of the🌍Detained in Belmarsh max security prison,the sort of stately abode OnlyReserved for the+dangerous of criminals,many w indeterminate sentences,he electrifies & concerns"
"In a 2014 email made public by Assange/WikiLeaks,Hillary,who had served as SecretaryOfState,urges JohnPodesta,then an advisor to Obama,to“bring pressure”on🇶🇦&🇸🇦,“which are ProvidingClandestineFinancial & LogisticSupport to ISIS & otherRadicalSunniGroups.”
"Wealthy officials from🇶🇦&🇸🇦who donated money to Hillary Clinton’s charitable foundation also provided financial support to Isis" -Julian Assange, WikiLeaks founder- (2016)

Clinton Foundation ‘funded by same money as Isis’, says Julian Assange independent.co.uk/news/people/ju…
WikiLeaks Confirms Hillary Clinton Sold Weapons to ISIS?
As WikiLeaks released several batches of e-mails in October 2016, partisans claimed they confirmed Hillary Clinton sold weapons to ISIS.

WikiLeaks Confirms Hillary Clinton Sold Weapons to ISIS? snopes.com/fact-check/wik…
Why You Need to Listen to WikiLeaks and Not CNN => livetradingnews.com/need-listen-wi…
"Did not Jesus of Nazareth speak out for truth & fairness? They crucified him NOT for wishing to take over, rather for pointing out the flaws of society & of his own religion at that time. Didn’t Chelsea Manning, Julian Assange & Eric Snowden do the same?"
"When I contemplate this massive injustice to which the peoples of the world reply with silence, I wonder if those trying to save Western Civilization are not misguided. What is the point of saving a totally corrupt civilization?
What is at stake, –revealed by Wikileaks– is that politicians in high office are the architects of WarCrimes. To protect them & sustain their Legitimacy,they require the suppression of FreedomOfExpression, w in turn requires“the criminalization of justice”
By @telesurenglish
April 21
Solidarity rally was held today in Afghanistan, for Julian Assange and against his extradition to the US.

credit: Solidarity Party of Afghanistan
By @telesurenglish
April 21
The former Consul of the Ecuadorean Embassy in #London, #FidelNarvaez, accused the officials of putting the #Wikileaks founder through 'hell' in an attempt to "break him down".
By @telesurenglish
#UnitedKingdom | A ‘Reporters Without Borders’ report published in The Independent ranked the U.K. 33rd for #PressFreedom, behind #SouthAfrica and #Latvia.
By @telesurenglish
#Ecuador | Former FM, @RicardoPatinoEC, said the decision by the Ecuadorean government has heavily damaged the dignity and constitution of the country, turning it into a vassal of the #UnitedStates
#FreeAssange #WikiLeaks
By @kim9973
🗣️‼️Very good ‼️Watch😉👇🏼‼️
Remembering the Crimes of the Powerful Exposed by Wikileaks’ Julian Assange mintpressnews.com/remember-the-c…
Before Ousting Assange, Moreno Government Spied on the Journalist for Over a Year mintpressnews.com/before-ousting…
“If You’re Not Careful, The Newspapers Will Have You Hating The People Who Are Being Oppressed, And Loving The People Who Are Doing The Oppressing.” -Malcolm X-

#FreeAssange #FreeSpeech #WeAreAllJulianAssange #WeStandWithJulianAssange #ProtectJulian @DefendAssange @wikileaks
🗣️‼️"If wars can be started by lies, they can be stopped by truth."‼️
-Julian Assange-
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