#WeAreAllJulianAssange #WeStandWithJulianAssange #FreeAssange #Assange #ProtectJulian #AssangeHERO #Injustice #HumanRights #freeSpeak #Liberty #Killers #WarCrimes #Liars #Democracy #TrueJournalists #Hipocrisy
Great that the @DailyMail picked up our recent Liberty Report on the attempted murder of Julian Assange! Our views of the episode are skyrocketing. You can watch the whole episode here:
How is it,we live in a🌍thinking we have institutions set up to persecute ppl, countries, & leaders for human right's violations,war crimes & the like...yet never have been able to prosecute the likes of war crimes from 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇫🇷/🇸🇦/🇮🇱! WHY?!
#SRT:“#Assange has been deliberately exposed,for a period of several years,to progressively severe forms of cruel,inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the cumulative effects of which can only be described as psychological #Torture”. bit.ly/2QA39q8
"There has been a relentless and unrestrained campaign of public mobbing, intimidation and defamation against Mr Assange, not only in the United States, but also in the United Kingdom, Sweden and, more recently, Ecuador."
7 hhá 7 horas
“Wherever I delved into the case, I found a lot of dirty stuff” - UN Special Rapporteur on Torture on the case of Julian Assange
Assange no está en condiciones de ser juzgado, dijo el experto de la ONU, por lo que instó a Reino Unido a no extraditarlo.
The UN special rapporteur on torture and ill treatment said Britain should not extradite Julian Assange to the United States or any other country that did not provide reliable guarantees that it would not transfer him to the United States nyti.ms/2XgBL3d
A clear explanation of the new #Assange indictments and the implications for all journalists, publishers, editors, producers, and media executives. …
What happened to the freedom of speech? Why Assange's indictment should upset you
foxnews.com/opinion/judge-… …

2 hhá 2 horas
Julian Assange on the high tech merger with state power in Part 7 of his speech at the 2016 Green Party convention
A UN Torture Report has condemned the persecution of Julian Assange by the US, UK, Ecuador, & Sweden.
The report calls it, "cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment,” and “psychological torture.”
#SRTorture: My interview with @Underground_RT: “To me it is inconceivable that so many layers of profoundly skewed and biased steps in the judicial proceedings against #JulianAssange could be just a coincidence”. …
“Collective persecution of Julian #Assange must end now. My most urgent concern is that, in the USA, Mr. Assange would be exposed to a real risk of serious violations of his human rights,"- Nils Melzer, the UN Special Rapporteur on #Torture

#SRT:“#Assange has been deliberately exposed,for a period of several years,to progressively severe forms of cruel,inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the cumulative effects of which can only be described as psychological #Torture”. bit.ly/2QA39q8
standard.co.uk/news/uk/julian… …
-UN Rapporteur @NilsMelzer on @Wikileaks' Assange's treatment
Full Show ➡️:
„Der Elefant im Raum sind die USA“- agt der UNO-Sonderbeauftragte für Folter @NilsMelzer.Julian #Assange sei Opfer von psychologischer Folter,initiiert durch die US-Regierung. GB, Ecuador und Schweden die willigen Helfer.
Das Gespräch mit ihm im #EchoderZeit, um 18h
If Assange had been dragged out of an embassy in🇷🇺,kept in a SupermaxPrison where former Al-Qaeda terrorists have been held & a UN Rapporteur saying he has faced"PsychologicalTorture"...
Western politicians & journalists would have demanded sanctions by now 🙃
Paul adds there isn’t much good journalism around any more’ & that by not doing more reporting on Assange, journalists ‘don’t want to protect their right to be a journalist.’
Paul defends Assange’s leaking of info...
"Was anyone prosecuted for war crimes & corruption exposed by #Wikileaks?
How is it more important to prosecute a journalist for exposing factual information that was to warn citizens of what their govts are secretly up to?"
defend.wikileaks.org #FreeAssange

The🇺🇸,🇬🇧,🇸🇪,🇦🇺& 🇪🇨–all ostensible “democracies”– are slowly torturing to death the most impactful journalist of our time for the act of revealing the malfeasance of the ruling class. If Assange dies in custody, his blood is on their hands.
Interview mit @srf: «#Assange weist Symptome psychologischer Folter auf»
#EchoderZeit vom 01.06.2019 @N_Cimmino
New @intercepted podcast: Prosecuting Julian Assange for espionage is a coup attempt against the First Amendment theintercept.com/2019/05/29/pro…
"People have feared a dangerous attack on #1A from Trump since before he was inaugurated. Well, this is it. For three straight years we’ve been hearing about the “Resistance.” Now’s the time to actually resist."
Here’s @xychelsea’s Letter explaining the unbelievable #grandjury #history up on @Scribd – Some people were having trouble with the PDF (also take note that a fully referenced HTML version is in the works) scribd.com/document/41212…
Many many thanks to all the good decent citizens from ALL walks of life across the🌍fighting to save Julian
You refuse to let those in power whose crimes & corruption my journalist son exposed, continue to brutally persecute him without protest.
Humanity in action

the practice of spying or of using spies, typically by governments to obtain political and military information. (omg assange is no spy) #julianassange …
Caitlin Johnstone: UN Special Rapporteur On Torture Exposes Anti-Assange Smear Campaign
⏳ #Unity4J Video @JacksonFacts23 ⌛️
The Death of Truth:
Episode 2 of the docuseries Life as an Art.
Whistleblowers such as #JulianAssange and #ChelseaManning are true heroes, and we must give them our endless support.
@unity4j @wikileaks @olabini CNN in spanish did an interview to political prisoner Ola Bini. He says "I have no done anything wrong...the data contained in pc accesories are personal data nothing more". cnnespanol.cnn.com/video/ecuador-…
Chelsea wrote a letter to the judge, with an in-depth history of grand juries & why most every other country has abandoned them. #ChelseaResists washingtonpost.com/national/manni…
After years of MedicalEvaluations, @UN SpecialRapporteurOnTorture @NilsMelzer agrees w our team's findings:"He has been subjected to intense PsychologicalTorture comparable to some of the GravestCases from InterrogationPrisons around the🌍."
Melzer tells Australian media, ABC, that he fears Assange could die in prison.
He said it is not prosecution, it is persecution, & it has to stop here & it has to stop now
@wikileaks @unity4j
Assange is a big embarrassment to a dying world order that has thrived on exceptionalism and his murder would be a great triumph to the genocidal thieving fascists in #America, #Europe and #Israel.
Assange is not Skripal, and there are no Novichok fantasies to be milked by the media and politicians.
Assange shows symptoms of torture—says UN expert. Imagine the media coverage and international political pressure if this were a political prisoner in Russia.

The Bill of Rights(1689)reinforced the Petition of Right 1628 & the HabeasCorpus Act(1679)by codifying CertainRights & liberties 4 example,as w Bill of Rights1689,🇺🇸Constitution prohibits excessive bail &"cruel & unusual punishment".

In light of #Julian’s health situation, I’m sharing this reply I received via my MP in 2018. The UKgov has been denying Julian medical care for an extended time. They are responsible. #FreeJulianAssange #stopthetorture #Unity4J

The @UN special rapporteur on torture @NilsMelzer speaks w @yveyong about visiting #Assange in a high-security London prison. He says the @wikileaks founder has suffered "psychological torture", a claim the Australian government has rejected...
For the record: On 31 May, I have also given similar exclusive TV interviews to both @SkyNews and @BBCWorld on #JulianAssange but it seems they decided not to broadcast them.
“I stand ready to respond to uncomfortable questions, but then media must also stand ready to publish uncomfortable truths.”
UK Foreign Secretary Defends Torturing Journalists, Then Says We Must Protect Journalists southfront.org/uk-foreign-sec…

BBC, Sky News Have Hidden Their Interviews With UN Expert On The Torture Of Assange – Caitlin Johnstone
@caitoz #BBC #SkyNews #JulianAssange caitlinjohnstone.com/2019/06/02/bbc…
🇺🇳TortureExpert IndictsOurSociety over Assange's treatment:"In 20 years of work w victims of war & PoliticalPersecution I have NeverSeen a group of DemocraticStates ganging up to DeliberatelyIsolate, demonise & abuse a single individual"medium.com/@caityjohnston…
"We must bring more people into the streets!" Maxine Waters Speech in defence of #Assange at Westminster Magistrate's Court
One year ago, I published this plea in @bmj_latest that🇦🇺safeguard the health Julian #Assange. Since then, his condition has worsened & the @UN has formally declared that he is being tortured. Time for Australia to stand up for its citizen. blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2018/06/22…
🗣️‼️British people come to know the character of this character, read & draw your conclusions‼️
Endless Procedural Abuses Show Julian Assange Case Was Never About Law
UK Foreign Secretary @Jeremy_Hunt tells CBS he will extradite Assange to the United States for publishing if he becomes Prime Minister.
cbsnews.com/news/transcrip… …

Instead of campaigning at home, candidate for🇬🇧Prime Minister @jeremy_hunt is on🇺🇸TV in time for Trump's visit to🇬🇧tomorrow. Hunt's pitch: if chosen as🇬🇧Prime Minister he'll extradite Assange to🇺🇸to be imprisoned for publishing.
"Ever since the Pentagon Papers case, an Espionage Act loophole has been waiting for a president thuggish enough to make use of it"
Trump’s Charges Against Julian Assange Would Effectively Criminalize Investigative Journalism| The Nation
If Assange is extradited, judges will confront a stark choice: either protect public-interest whistleblowers and publishers , or turn the 102-year-old Espionage Act into a 21st-century official secrets law. Journalism bit.ly/2EX6viD
Un excónsul de Ecuador en Londres avala el informe del relator de la ONU sobre Assange - Sputnik Mundo mundo.sputniknews.com/politica/20190…
"Revealing important information about the Yemen war – in which at least 70,000 people have been killed – is the reason why the US government is persecuting both Assange and Zikry."
independent.co.uk/voices/julian-… …
"We’ll be persecuted for the same reasons: because what we shall disclose will inevitably prove that our Govts & those of our allies commit WarCrimes; & those responsible for these iniquities will try to make us pay...with a life behind bars"
Assange won’t face charges over role in devastating CIA leak politico.eu/article/julian…
⏳#Unity4J Solidarity via @AssangeMrs ⌛️
"My Emergency Appeal to the 🌍 to save the life of my son, politically persecuted, illegally detained & tortured journalist #JulianAssange
Now very sick in prison hospital.
Still relevant."
Comments by Foreign Sec that he would not block Julian Assange's extradition to the US proves he has no chance of "fair and impartial treatment" by UK authorities - @wikileaks