For 50 detailed questions of Sweden about their legal process, there was zero explanation.… (at 45:30)

If he [Assange] has committed any offences, let's investigate them, but [cats & skateboards just] deflect attention ..."
- @NilsMelzer

The elephant in the room is the information he exposed. And that no one wants to investigate, because it leads very high up - probably, in many of those countries."
- @NilsMelzer

I send a message [to] London to think carefully about holding a political prisoner like this ...
- @bobjcarr [54:18]

"Could anyone argue that we are poorer because we know the material [from #Assange & @wikileaks] about bankers & arms dealers, about the brutality of 'democratic' countries, about corruption?
About [govt] collusion with corporations?"
- @bobjcarr

"It was unlikely that AU or allied forces would be directly endangered by the leaks. [They] did not contain any significant details about incidents beyond that already publicly released."

The judicial kidnapping of a EU publisher, publishing in Europe, with EU staff [...] is a profound concern for the States of Europe & the EU."
- John Shipton [1:11:60]

"During the recent #Bolivian coup, you were able to look up the names of some of those involved & see references in the cables to their involvement with other actors, or the US."
- John Shipton [1:11:60]

"AU criminal law barristers who deal with indigenous people - Phillip Segal, @BarnsGreg & 8 others said they have never seen a defendant brought into court in that condition - unable to remember his name."
- John Shipton

How far have we sunk?"
- @NilsMelzer [at 1:37:27]

"That is of utmost concern - when states will no longer engage with the institutions they created to protect human rights."
- @NilsMelzer