So you + lil family need somewhere to live. Your options are:
(1) Buy a £500k 3-bed home with a £50k deposit and a 30 year mortgage at 1.5% interest. The monthly payments are £750
(2) Rent that same 3-bed home. You get to keep your £50k and the monthly rent is £1,750
You start ferociously studying the best REIT providers. Its looking good!
Thats £1000 a month (£1750 - £750) or £12,000 a year.
£12,000 / £50,000 = 24%
So I need to be getting a 24% annual return on my REIT investment just to be in the same position.
REITs give these kind of returns as *long term* investments. Therefore realistically, liquidity isn’t going to be best (option is still there though).
Owning your home offers stability for you and your family.
A REIT + Rent strategy is less stable.
(Because who doesn’t stress test their life to the most extreme scenario??)… when you sign up, we both get a free mystery share!
(Your investment can go up OR down!)
PLUS you lot doing it in your 20s will probably pay off your first home way before retirement. I respect it. Keep pushing x